[MINC-users] Conversion to MINC and visual inspection of the MINC-file

Jörg Pfannmöller pfannmoelj at uni-greifswald.de
Mon Sep 10 09:30:00 EDT 2012


thank you for your help. Concerning your suggestions I have two questions. 

1.) I don't find the option witdh in rawtominc, micpik ord nu_correct. Can you give some more details on this   

2.) nu_correct did accept all options for nu_correcting the mouse brain except of lambda. My prompt was:

    nu_correct my_data.mnc corrected_data.mnc -distance 8 -mask new_mask_reduced.mnc -iterations 100 -stop  
               0.001 -fwhm 0.15 -shrink 4

    What went wrong?

After all I appreciate your help, but form my state of knowledge I can not understand how the conversion from raw to minc can be performed for my data. Currently I use micro_view on windows to transform my data from analyzer format to minc. The final minc data look as the original ones if displayed with mincpik. nu_correct also processes giving reasonable results. So what can I do to achieve a proper conversion using the linus shell?

Respectfully yours 


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