[MINC-users] bug in minctracc when using mutual information and thresholds

Dallas Card dallas.card at sickkids.ca
Tue Dec 11 12:56:09 EST 2012

Hello all,

I believe I've found a bug in minctracc. The -threshold option allows you to set thresholds, which are supposed to be specified in terms of the real range. However, when using the mutual information objective function (-mi) the input volumes are automatically converted to bytes, and the thresholds get interpreted in the range 0-255.

The culprit seems to be the function that is used to convert the data, namely replace_volume_data_with_ubyte() in minctracc/Optimize/optimize.c, which contains the following comment:

   * BLEAGHH!! This is an evil and nasty hack, made worse by the fact that
   * we have to support two versions of Volume_io for it to work!  (At
   * least this is done by the VOXEL_DATA hack^H^H^H^Hmacro, in <config.h>.)
   * -GPW 96/04/34

It does convert the values to bytes, but it fails to set the "real_range_set" flag to True. Thus, when the data are eventually compared to the thresholds, they are not converted back to the real values.

I believe a simple fix is to add the following line at the end of replace_volume_data_with_ubyte():

set_volume_real_range(data, min, max);

I'll make the change and create a pull request.


P.S. My apologies if you're seeing this message for the second time.


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