[MINC-users] best_nonlin_reg.pl ?

Vladimir S. FONOV vladimir.fonov at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 19:10:00 EST 2011


Andrew Janke wrote:
> Then things exploded.
> Alex + Claude then optimised the whole process for the ICBM dataset:
>    http://packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/tgz/mni-models_icbm152-nl-2009-1.0.tar.gz

That was me, Claude have only created a package.

> As part of this they (or was it Vlad? I forget) produced an "optimal"
> fitting scheme for heads
This was Claude.

> Vladimir Fonov made a bunch of changes, made the pediatric models and
> published a paper on another bunch of models using the same technique
> for some MS? data with Zografos (Aki) Caramanos.
Published only for NIHPD and ICBM.

> problem but I haven't checked so prefer to leave things as they were.
> Remember also that Vlad wasn't using minctracc for his nonlinear
> fitting so perhaps this is more a difference in ANTS vs minctracc.
No, I am still using minctracc in the model creation script. ANTS have 
it's own version, by the way.

Best regards,
  Vladimir S. FONOV ~ v.s.fonov  <at> ilmarin.info

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