[MINC-users] mincconvert -compress broken?

Alex Zijdenbos zijdenbos at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 15:01:46 EST 2011

Hi all,

I just ran into this:

$ mincconvert -compress 4 test.mnc test_compressed.mnc
$ du -hs test*mnc
23M     test_compressed.mnc
15M     test.mnc

That wasn't exactly the desired effect :)

$ mincconvert -version
program: 2.1.00
libminc: 2.1.00
netcdf : 3.6.1 of Dec 22 2010 16:29:38 $
HDF5   : 1.8.5

However, I get the exact same thing with a 2.0.18 version of
mincconvert; and no matter what argument (1-9) I provide to the
-compress option. So from what I can see, 'mincconvert -compress' does
nothing at all?

-- Alex

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