[MINC-users] Problem in Parallel mode

Parya Mamayyez Siahkal parya.momayyezsiahkal at mail.mcgill.ca
Fri Oct 23 14:10:16 EDT 2009

Hello all,

I am using minc library to read and write 4D volumes.
The code works fine when I am not running it in parallel.
Even in the parallel mode, I don't have any problem with sufficiently
small volumes.

However, as soon as the volume gets a bit  big(e.g. 30*40*40), and I
want to run the code in parallel, I'll get different kind of error
messages at different runs, some of them are:

 ncvarid: ncvarid: ncid 3ncid 6: NetCDF: Variable not found: NetCDF:
Variable not found
LocalParallelCF: posixio.c:571: px_get: Assertion `pxp->bf_refcount <=
0' failed.
LocalParallelCF: posixio.c:248: px_pgin: Assertion `*posp ==
((off_t)(-1)) || *posp == lseek(nciop->fd, 0, 1)' failed.

I have switched between minc1 and minc2, but the same kind of errors are
being generated.
Does anyone know what is going on?


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