[MINC-users] label from 2 objects

Simon Fristed Eskildsen se at hst.aau.dk
Fri Feb 20 13:55:11 EST 2009

Hi Mishkin,
Is it a very dense object, i.e lots of vertices? If so, the vertices per voxel (VPV) should be increased, not decreased. It's simply the maximum number of vertices you would expect within a single voxel of the input volume in order to make a static allocation. I know it's ugly, but this limits the memory usage and runs in linear time. 50 VPV seem to work for most of my surfaces. You could try setting it to 100 or higher. Watch the memory usage, though.

----- "Mishkin Derakhshan" <mishkind at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Simon,
> Unfortunately I get a seg fault.
> opus[/tmp]$ scan_surface_to_volume.bin64 lh.pial.obj orig.mnc out.mnc
> WARNING! create_triangle_lookup_table(): Not enough memory allocated
> for the lookup table! (static_vertex_pr_cell = 50)
> #DEBUG: LUT freed ok!
> Segmentation fault
> I tried lowering the -vertices_pr_voxel but that didn't work either.
> I'm not sure if it is a library problem so here is my ldd output.

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