[MINC-users] mritoself

Soren Christensen sorench at gmail.com
Wed Apr 1 00:31:47 EDT 2009

 I think this one has been raised before a while ago.
When mritoself is called on a target and source with identical base names
the resulting transformation is erroneous so this is a silent error.
Eg. mritoself -nothreshold -far dateA/FLAIR.mnc dateB/FLAIR.mnc my.xfm
will create an incorrect xfm.

How about changing this in the next release?
It seems to be the two calls to crop that utilize the same tmp folder with
the original basenames, thereby overwriting the first file.

($source_cropped, $source_crop, $source_subsample)=
   &Crop ($SourceBase, $Source, "crop",
          $GuessCrop, $GuessSubsample, \@Subsample, \@Crop);
($target_cropped, $target_crop, $target_subsample) =
   &Crop ($TargetBase, $Target, "crop",
          $GuessCrop, $GuessSubsample, \@Subsample, \@Crop);

I would think changing crop to cropS and cropT respectively should take care
of it but hopefully someone can doublecheck.


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