[MINC-users] redefinitions in volume_io/basic.h, multidim.h causing compilation errors on Windows

Audette, Michel Michel.Audette at medizin.uni-leipzig.de
Thu Sep 18 06:23:04 EDT 2008

Hi all, 


I'm seeing some Windows MS VC++ 2003 compilation errors related to enums in volume_io/basic.h and multidim.h . 


Please forgive the German, and go by the error code. This seems to be related to keywords that are redefined or reused in enums. 


G:\windows\srcMAF\maf\openMAF22\Libraries\MINC\include\volume_io\multidim.h(44): error C2365: 'DOUBLE': Erneute Definition; vorherige Definition war 'Typedef'

        C:\Programme\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WTypes.h(387): Siehe Deklaration von 'DOUBLE'


G:\windows\srcMAF\maf\openMAF22\Libraries\MINC\include\volume_io\basic.h(66): error C2143: Syntaxfehler: Es fehlt ';' vor 'constant' 

(this is related to the use of the word ERROR in an enum)


Is there a release that deals with errors like this, or a workaround? 


Best wishes,




Michel Audette, Ph.D.   

Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery (ICCAS)   

Semmelweisstraße 14  

Leipzig, Germany  

Phone: ++49 (0) 341 / 97 - 1 20 13  

Fax: ++49 (0) 341 / 97 - 1 20 09 




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