[MINC-users] Multistat error - ??? Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.

Penhune Lab penhunelab at gmail.com
Tue Jun 3 15:54:37 EDT 2008


I am getting the following error from a multistat script that I have
successfully used for ... about 15 other analyses. Any ideas?


??? Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.

Error in ==> multistat>regularized_df at 809

Error in ==> multistat at 418
      [df, ker_x, ker_y,

All I am doing is averaging three files with the following code: (each of
the three files is the result of a covariation analysis of 15 Ss with their
Bx scores)

input_files_effect =
input_files_sdeffect =

x = [ones(size(input_files_effect,1),1)]
contrast = [1];
input_files_df = [];
input_files_fwhm = [];
which_stats = '_t _ef _sd _fwhm';
fwhm_varatio = -100;
df = multistat(input_files_effect, input_files_sdeffect, input_files_df,
input_files_fwhm, x, contrast, output_file_base, which_stats, fwhm_varatio);

Laboratory for Motor Learning and Neural Plasticity
Directed by Dr. Virginia Penhune
Department of Psychology, Concordia University
SP-A 244, 7141 Sherbrooke St. W
Montreal, QC H4B 1R6 Canada
(514)848-2424 ext. 7567

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