[MINC-users] mnc2nii

Camilo Diaz k.diaz99 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 20 12:02:06 EST 2008

Hello List:

Here's the deal:
Im trying to use on of the images from brainweb for a VBM (SPM5) experiment,
so i tried to use the mnc2nii, but..... , well,  i tried to build it, but, i
didn't know it needs so many librarys ( HDF5, NETCDF..... ), so , it is
taking me a while to get the mnc2nii.exe.
Does anyone have this mnc2nii.exe already that i can use ? or, Does anyone
know a way to make this convertion ( mnc to nii ) more easily?

Thank you


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