[MINC-users] conversion to analyze problem

Walker, Lindsay (NIH/NICHD) [V] walkerlin at mail.nih.gov
Mon Sep 10 11:32:53 EDT 2007


I can answer some of these questions.  Yes, I am using the -analyze
flag, as I need to have my data in analyze format for a software
pipeline that I use.

In fact, mnc2nii converts the data correctly to nifti format (no issues
with orientation), but when I add the -analyze flag it flips the x-axis.

This axis is flipped when viewed in mipav, medx and fslview - so it is
not just one software package that is handling the data incorrectly.

The version of mnc2nii that I am using is:

mnc2nii -version
program: 1.5.1
libminc: 1.5.1
netcdf : "3.6.2"


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Janke [mailto:a.janke at gmail.com] 
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 7:52 AM
To: MINC users mailing list
Subject: Re: [MINC-users] conversion to analyze problem

> Although I am sympathetic to systemic problems and possible
> ambiguities of the MINC <-> ANALYZE format conversions, I am as yet
> not convinced that we are not looking at a bug; nor that the behaviour
> of mnc2nii/nii2mnc can/should not be improved to "work" for users in
> 95% of the cases instead of 5% (if that). Reasons being:

Okie doke...

> 1. I am yet to encounter the first case where flipping was not
> necessary (and I have done my fair share - probably more - of these
> types of conversions)

OK.  (has not been my experience?  I will check with the XNAT guys and
see what their experience is).

> 2. If I take a MINC volume (without funky directions cosines and etc),
> run mnc2nii (-analyze) followed by nii2mnc, the x-axis comes out
> flipped.

oh?  not so for me?  Although I questions why you are adding the
-analyze flag. This will cause mnc2nii to write an old style (non
oriented) analyze file as opposed to a Nifti 2-file format which I
suspect is what you want.  My test:

   $ mincreshape -dimrange xspace=0,100 \
      icbm_avg_152_t1_tal_lin.mnc /tmp/out.mnc

   $ mnc2nii out.mnc out.hdr
   $ nii2mnc out.hdr two.mnc

   $ register out.mnc two.mnc

Beyond image scaling issues, this is fine?  What versions are you
running?  myself:

gordon:tmp$ nii2mnc -version
program: 2.0.09
libminc: 2.0.09
netcdf : 3.6.1 of Mar  5 2007 07:16:16 $

> 3. In the case that Lindsay reports, at least 3 different analyze
> viewers agree that the x-axis is flipped (which I understand not to be
> an issue of viewer/radiological/neurological convention, as evidenced
> by a physical marker in the image).

Is this when using a -analyze flag?

> So notwithstanding MINC's conceptual superiority w/respect to
> coordinate space handling and etc, it still makes no sense to me that
> this conversion appears to not *ever* work correctly, nor that the
> conversion on 'simple' files is not bijective when using the
> conversion tools provided by MINC itself. Something just smells wrong
> here...

Myself I prefer to code to the spec and then add kludges later on for
specific cases if needs be.  Meaning I dont think there would be a
problem to write a quick and dirty conversion (shell) script called
mnc2fsl for example.

> Where does one actually find the formal specifications of
> ANALYZE/NIFTi? For ANALYZE I keep stumbling on the same pdf describing
> the ANALYZE 7.5 file format, but that is less than informative.

The old analyze spec used to be on the Mayo site. But I just went
looking for it an found nothing.  There is always the old .h file that
went with it.  As for nifti, the best site is the sourceforge page.


In any case, if what you describe above really is a bug I am more than
happy to fix it.

Andrew Janke   (a.janke at gmail.com || http://a.janke.googlepages.com/)
Canberra->Australia    +61 (402) 700 883
MINC-users at bic.mni.mcgill.ca

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