[MINC-users] volume data structure

Firas Aschkar fachkar at mrs.mni.mcgill.ca
Tue Oct 23 09:59:47 EDT 2007

I want to create and allocate custom buffers for specific non-subsequent 
slices of a minc volume. However, it is not clear to me how the *volume 
data* is store in memory, i.e. given a 3D volume:

    Volume data1;
    float v1 = data1->array.data[1][1][1];
    flaot v2 = *( data1->array.data + (1 * data1->array.sizes[0]) + (1 *
    data1->array.sizes[1]) + 1 );

They produce different values given that :

    static char *default_dim_names[3] =
            MIzspace, MIxspace, MIyspace


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