[MINC-users] mnc2ana problem

Søren Christensen U951678 at STUDMED.AU.DK
Mon Feb 20 19:41:01 EST 2006

Hi all,
 I have a problem converting coronal minc files into analyze format.
The mincfile (that Displays right in terms of its dimensions) has dimensions:
image: signed__ short 0 to 426
image dimensions: yspace zspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    yspace                    120          1.5         -384
    zspace                    512      0.46875      -28.125
    xspace                    512     -0.46875          120

mnc2ana says:

mnc2ana mtest.mnc mmm
Start:  120  - -384  - -28.125
Step:   -0.46875  - 1.5  - 0.46875
Length: 512 - 120 - 512
Dims:   yspace - zspace - xspace

FSLs avwhd says:
dim0           4
dim1           512
dim2           120
dim3           512
dim4           0
dim5           0

When viewed in FSL it seems as as if the dimensions are swapped around, or more specifically, that the data is dumped as x,z,y but should have been put as x,y,z, but maybe i am wrong?

Does anyone how any suggestions towards a quick fix?

Many thanks,


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