[MINC-users] Display + Cygwin

Andrew Janke Andrew Janke <a.janke@gmail.com>
Tue Mar 1 16:58:05 2005

> Thanks for the cygwin binary, works great on my setup.

Yay! appears that sometime you have have a win...  Cygwin has proved
to be somewhat of a hairy dog for pre-compiled packages.

>      By the by, if anyone is interested I've been making a cygwin pack
> for easy deployment on machines for my lab. It has only the packages
> required to run minc (including X). It also has MINC, all the necessary
> libs, some of the AFNI cygwin binaries for fmri preprocessing and I
> fixed the perl wrappers for fmri pre-processing and tal conversion so
> that they work with cygwin. I've tested it on a fresh computer and it
> works right out of the box.

I'm interested if only in the approach you are using.

Are you simply compiling everything on one machine and then making an
installer based upon the entire contents of C:\cygwin using something
like Innosetup?

I ask if only because I am currently investigating the best way to
provide packages for cygwin.

There are perhaps three "good" approaches from what I can see.

   a) use dpkg   (within cygwin)

   b) Create proper cygwin installer packages that can eb used by setup.exe
         if you add the proper line to the packages sources dialog

   c) Create .exe stand alone pointy-clicky self/extracting/installing archives.

a) is the simplest (for me) to implement, b) is the most sexy IMHO as
then you can handle upgrades "magically" by pointing your machine at
packages.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/cygwin. c) is likely easiest for users, but
one might argue that if the user can't figure out how to do a || b
then MINC is going to be a problem for them


Andrew Janke      (a.janke@gmail.com || www.cmr.uq.edu.au/~rotor)
Australia->Brisbane     H: +61 7 3390 6332  || M: +61 4 2138 8581