[MINC-users] error running mincmath

Simon Fristed Eskildsen minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Fri Jun 3 07:35:03 2005

I have encountered the same problem:

Package MNI N3

Command: nu_correct native/t1_native.mnc.gz temp/t1_nuc.mnc -clobber 

Error message:
Files /usr/tmp/nu_correct_28314//t1_nuc_field.mnc and 
native/t1_native.mnc.gz have different coordinate spacings (zspace)
nu_evaluate: crashed while running mincmath (termination status=256)
nu_correct: crashed while running nu_evaluate (termination status=256)

Same output on mincinfo:
image: signed__ short -32768 to 32767
image dimensions: zspace yspace xspace
    dimension name         length         step        start
    --------------         ------         ----        -----
    zspace                    160            1     -30.4761
    yspace                    256      -0.9375      148.799
    xspace                    256      -0.9375      119.531

Same direction cosines:
mincheader /usr/tmp/nu_correct_28314//t1_nuc_field.mnc | grep 
                zspace:direction_cosines = 0., 0., 1. ;
                yspace:direction_cosines = -0., 1., -0. ;
                xspace:direction_cosines = 1., -0., -0. ;

Maybe the -0 entries in the cosines are causing the problem?
This is the first time I have encountered this problem. The input minc 
file have been converted from dicom using dcm2mnc (minc-1.4, netcdf -3.5.1)

Any ideas?

Simon Fristed Eskildsen, M.Sc.EE., Ph.D. Student
Denmark->Aalborg->HST->MI (se@hst.aau.dk || +45 9635 9823)

D. Louis Collins wrote:

> Haytham,
> If the mincinfo output for the two volumes is the same, (ie, same 
> starts, steps and number of elements _and_ same dimension ordering), 
> then I suspect that the two volumes have different direction cosines.  
> Check with 'mincheader file.mnc | grep direction_cosine'.
> you could rerun with '-nocheck_dimensions'  - this will force the code 
> to do voxel-to-voxel manipulations, without checking against the 
> dimension information.
> -Louis
> On Apr 20, 2005, at 7:23 PM, haytham@umich.edu wrote:
>> Command: (executed during nu_evaluate)
>> mincmath -clobber -verbose -copy_header -zero -div in.mnc.gz 
>> in_nuc_field.mnc
>> out.mnc
>> Error message:
>> Files in_nuc_field.mnc and in.mnc.gz have different coordinate 
>> spacings (zspace)
>> nu_evaluate: crashed while running mincmath (termination status=256)
>> When I run mincinfo on the two volumes, I get the same output:
>> image dimensions: zspace yspace xspace
>>     dimension name         length         step        start
>>     --------------         ------         ----        -----
>>     zspace                    112          1.5      -86.396
>>     yspace                    256     -1.48438      178.728
>>     xspace                    256     -1.48438          190
>> any ideas on what causing?
>> Thank you.
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