[MINC-users] ana2mnc problem - again

Roy Yves yves.roy@umontreal.ca
Wed Feb 2 15:38:03 2005


I have this ANALYSE image I want to convert to MINC:

$ ana_show sub1_run1_vol1.hdr
x outside of string at /usr/local/bin/ana_show line 318.

$ ana2mnc sub1_run1_vol1.img sub1_run1_vol1.mnc
x outside of string at /usr/local/bin/ana2mnc line 318.

FYI, line 318 is... 
    # No byte swapping required
---->  return unpack("x$offset $type", $$stringref);

I think ana2mnc is version 1.2 (but ana2mnc -version is not a supported option)

Also, I downloaded ana2mnc-1.3c from Andrew's site after reading Catherine Ogilvie posting on bic-users Mon Jan 24 13:37:05 2005... (wrongly?) assuming that the problem could be related to byte swapping (but the images were copied from linux to linux...). 

But here is the behavior, pretty much nothing....

$ ./ana2mnc-1.3c

$ ./ana2mnc-1.3c -swap_data sub1_run1_vol1.hdr

$ ./ana2mnc-1.3c -swap_data sub1_run1_vol1.hdr sub1_run1_vol1.mnc

$ ./ana2mnc-1.3c -version
ana2mnc-1.3c version 1.3c

no usage information.

And if it is indeed a problem due to byte swapping, I am reluctant to correct the situation with dd (dd if=3Dfoo.hdr of=3Dfoo.swap.hdr conv=3Dswab), since this seems to be a low level mean...
