[MINC-users] Dicom to Minc converter for Phillips ?

Roger Luechinger minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Fri Apr 1 21:02:05 2005

Hi Kuan,

Kuan H. Kho wrote:
> I think you're right about the slice info: that's very important to
> most imagers. As we make whole 3D scans instead of slices (both
> structural and functional images), the simple rawtominc conversion
> suffices. But I indeed did not realize that there may be a bunch of
> people that indeed do need that information!

Your right for most people the minc-File without the geometry or at least 
with identical orientation and origin for the fmri and Anatomical Volume 
is fine.

> About a rectominc tool: I can work with the rawtominc, but I heard
> that on the newest Phillips scanner software (release ..? I can't keep
> count anymore), the PAR/REC format changed a bit. I could be wrong,
> but one may have to check that.

There is a minor change for the par/rec-File between Scanner 
Software-Releaase 9.x and 10.x (or in other word if you scanner host 
computer switch from OpenVMS (<=9) to Windows (>=10))

Rel. <=9.x can export Par Version 3 Files
Rel >=10       export Par Version 4 Files

But only the par-File with the additional information changes, not the 
raw-Data in the rec-File. Therefore the rawtominc will work fine.
(Up to Rel 1.2/Rel11 which is current).
In the par-Files some information like recon-Size moved from the upper 
(scan-related part) to the lower part with slice related infos.


                               ^   ^
                               o   o
Dr. Roger Luechinger    E-Mail: luechinger@biomed.ee.ethz.ch
MR-Zentrum VMR30      www/PGP: http://www.mr.ethz.ch/~rluchin/
CH-8091 Zuerich
Tel: ++41 1 255 30 64     Fax: ++41 1 255 45 06