[MINC-users] fMRIstat event-related questions + error

Roy Yves yves.roy@umontreal.ca
Tue Aug 24 12:39:03 2004

Dear BIC users:
I have a question concerning an fMRI event-related study on
language processing using fMRIstat.
1) Question on duration of events
2) Error in Matlab
The study roughly consists in presenting visual stimuli of strings
of characters and the subjects have to answer whether the stumulus
was a word of high imageability, low imageability, a non-word, or
for a baseline condition, a string of capital or small letters (so
4 conditions/regressors).
Amond other things, I am looking for guidelines on how to set
the duration (of events) values in the events matrix. for event-related
(I know it may depends on the actual experiment and what the
neuropsychologist  looking for but still, guidelines would be welcome).
mouldy 104% 
* visual stimuli last 200ms, and where,
* a subject has to answer as to the nature of the stimulus and where
* stimuli belonging to different conditions are separated in time by an
  ISI (inter-stimulus interval) ranging from 2000ms to 3000ms, and where
* the subject is allowed 1500ms after the beginning of the stimulus,
how should I go about determining the event duration:
a) 0 (default value in fMRIstat)
b) 200 ms (duration of the stimulus itself)
c) actual subject response time
d) ISI
Some people I talked to suggested 0 ms, some the ISI, and some told me
to be cautions in that choice (pointing to the article by
Randy Buckner: Event-Related fMRI and the Hemodynamic Response,
HBM 6:373-377(1998).
I am looking for values commonly used in similar situations, as well as
justification/rationale behind that choice (if you are aware of some interesting papers on the topics as well). 
Here is the batch I ran:
% Batch for the definition of the design matrix and parameter estimation
% for a single subject, one run.
% TR = 3s,
% 103 frames per run = 309 seconds/run
% frametimes is a row vector in which you enter the time, in seconds
% at which each frame was acquired.
% Q? - The frametimes defined below just uses the known TR set
% in the scanner when the experiment was defined. How to ensure
% that the frametimes defined like this always corresponds to
% the frametimes as found in the minc images?
frametimes = (0:102) * 3;
% MOSAIC 24 ascending:
% Delay between beginning of frame and first slice: 0ms
% Time between slices: ~92ms (for 64x64)
% Number of slice per volume: 28
% Acquisition: ascending, interleaved
bullcalf 122% more batch.m 
% Analysis for subject 5 A-B, run 1
% TR = 3s, 
% 103 frames per run = 309 seconds/run
% frametimes is a row vector in which you enter the time, in seconds
% at which each frame was acquired.
% Q? - The frametimes defined below just uses the known TR set 
% in the scanner when the experiment was defined. How to ensure
% that the frametimes defined like this always corresponds to
% the frametimes as found in the minc images?
frametimes = (0:102) * 3;
% MOSAIC 24 ascending:
% Delay between beginning of frame and first slice: 0ms
% Time between slices: ~92ms (for 64x64)
% Number of slice per volume: 28
% Acquisition: ascending, interleaved 
% (first slice = bottom slice i.e. slice labeled 1 in MINC file so that:
%       #1___ __W__     
%       #2___/     \    ^\    |
%       #3__@  o o  @   | \   ^
%        :__|   u   |   ^  \  |  Ascending, interleaved
%     #N-1___\  -  /    |   \ ^
%       #N____\___/     ^    \|
% slice number:   1     2   ...   N-2   N-1  N=28 
% slicetimes = [             ...  0.920 1.840  0  ])
% slicetimes is a row vector of relative slice acquisition times.
% Q1? - time relative to the frametimes, i.e. in descending
% sequential acquisition, a slice time of 0 for slice #1
% means that the first slice started to be acquired at the
% same time the frame started to be acquired 
% (0 seconds after, without a delay). Is that correct?
% Q2? - Can I find the slice acquisition time in the minc files?
numslices = 28;
interslice = 0.092;
% Descending order
slicetimes = ((numslices - 1):-1:0) * interslice;
% Takes care of the interleaved acquisition
slicetimes_odd = slicetimes(1:numslices/2);
slicetimes_even = slicetimes(numslices/2+1:numslices);
slicetimes(1:2:numslices) = slicetimes_odd;
slicetimes(2:2:numslices) = slicetimes_even;
% events is a matrix of events whose rows are events
% and columns are:
% 1- events ids: an integer from 1 to N=number of events, to identify 
%                the event type.
% 2- event times: start of event, synchronized with frame and slice times.
% 3- durations: (optional, default is 0) duration of the event.
% 4- heights: (optional, default is 1) height of response for event. 
% Here, events ids correspond to:
% 1 <=> Word, high imageability
% 2 <=> Word, low imageability
% 3 <=> Non-Word
% 4 <=> Baseline (strings of same letters in capital or small letters) 
% The onset values and durations were extracted from the 
% stimuli presentation program. Here we use the ISI for the
% durations and the target onset times for the event times.
% Other choices are possible for the durations....
% events has 120 rows, since there are 120 stimuli in this run.
events = [ 
2 36.338 2.25 1
4 38.606 2.0 1
2 40.606 2.5 1
1 43.106 2.25 1
3 45.356 2.0 1
1 47.356 3.0 1
4 50.356 2.75 1
1 53.106 3.0 1
4 56.106 2.0 1
3 58.106 3.0 1
3 61.106 2.0 1
1 324.606 3.0 1
4 327.606 2.75 1
1 330.356 2.0 1
2 332.356 2.5 1]
% Q? - When to include the baseline in the condition,
%      when not to? What is the rational behind that choice?
%      This has an impact on how we define the contrast matrix (see below)
% Making the design matrices using fmridesign
% Defining contrasts
% A matrix whose rows are contrasts for the statistic images (for the
% response variables) with row length equals to number of regressors
% variables in X_cache, and columns are the contrasts.
% For example here (regardless of the correctness of the subject answer),
% if were are interested in the regions of the brain activated when
% high imageability words are presented, i.e. condition 1 minus
% the baseline, we would define this contrast in the following manner:
contrast = [ 1 0 0 -1]

% contrast is a matrix with 4 columns (since there are 4 conditions, 4 regressors)
% Frames to exclude from the analysis:
% - First few frames of functional run (not steady-state image)
% - other frames where there is motion  
% Here the study ask to remove the first 3 frames.
exclude=[1 2 3];
% Q? - If we want to exclude frames during which the subject moved a lot
% we need to find out first. xdisp with TIC function allows us to see a
% movie of frames. How to interpret the plot produced by xdisp ?
% Logical matrix indicating output statistics by 1. Rows correspond
% to rows of contrast, columns correspond to desired statistics.
which_stats=[1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0];


output_file_base=['ida-ab171292-sonata-21247-20040314-100032-4-mri_C1   ';

% fwhm in mm of a 3D Gaussian smoothing kernel:  
fwhm_rho = 15;

[df1 p]=fmrilm(input_file, output_file_base, X_cache, contrast, exclude, which_s
And I got the following error:
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> /usr/local/matlab61/toolbox/fmri/fmrilm.m
On line 381  ==>       X=[squeeze(X_cache.X(keep,:,1,slice)) Trend(:,:,slice)];
Error in ==> /data/scratch1/yves/batch_ana.m
On line 249  ==> [df1 p]=fmrilm(input_file, output_file_base, X_cache, contrast, exclude, which_stats);

Many thanks