[MINC-users] MNI_PERLLIB failed

Andre MATOS minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Mon, 22 Dec 2003 22:16:55 -0500 (EST)

Hi List,

when I runned "make test" into the mni_perllib version 0.07, I got the 
error below. I did these steps:

$ wget ftp://ftp.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/pub/minc/mni_perllib-0.07.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf mni_perllib-0.07.tar.gz
$ cd mni_perllib-0.07
$ make /usr/local/mni/data
$ perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/usr/local/mni/ INSTALLDIRS=perl
$ make 
$ make test
Before runned "make test", when I runned "make" I got the message:

Default directory for model data [/usr/local/mni/data]?
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Makefile.PL: I don't grok the manifypods section, so can't tweak the 
pod2man args at Makefile.PL line 162.
Writing Makefile for mni_perllib

[root@pataxo mni_perllib-0.07]# make test
rm -f t/datadir.t
sed 's|@DEFAULT_DATA_DIR@|/usr/local/mni/data|' t/datadir.t.in > 
chmod 444 t/datadir.t
rm -f t/toy_ls
sed 's|@PERL@|\#!/usr/bin/perl|' t/toy_ls.in > t/toy_ls
chmod 555 t/toy_ls
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" 
"test_harness(0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/batch-1......../usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- J
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- Q
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- S
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- s
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- o
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- e
batch: error parsing command-line arguments
Error closing pipe to batch:
 at t/batch-1.t line 36
`batch' exited with non-zero status code: 256
 at t/batch-1.t line 36
t/batch-1........NOK 1tail: .out29611: Arquivo ou diretório não 
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- J
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- Q
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- S
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- s
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- o
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- e
batch: error parsing command-line arguments
        Test returned status 0 (wstat 13, 0xd)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-21
        Failed 21/21 tests, 0.00% okay
t/batch-2......../usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- J
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- Q
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- l
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- S
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- s
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- o
/usr/bin/getopt: opção inválida -- e
batch: error parsing command-line arguments
        Test returned status 0 (wstat 13, 0xd)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-3
        Failed 3/3 tests, 0.00% okay
t/checkdirs......warning: running test suite as root means not all tests 
will be run
t/checkdirs......FAILED tests 41-42
        Failed 2/42 tests, 95.24% okay
t/checkfiles.....warning: running test suite as root means not all tests 
will be run
t/checkfiles.....FAILED tests 24-25
        Failed 2/41 tests, 95.12% okay
t/mincutil.......ok 3/22mincutil.t: couldn't find volume_stats; pretending 
to pass all tests that depend on it
t/mincutil.......ok 4/22mincutil.t: couldn't find volume_cog; pretending 
to pass all tests that depend on it
t/searchfiles....warning: running test suite as root means not all tests 
will be run
t/spawn..........FAILED tests 13-15, 19-25
        Failed 10/56 tests, 82.14% okay
Failed Test    Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/batch-1.t       0    13    21   21 100.00%  1-21
t/batch-2.t       0    13     3    3 100.00%  1-3
t/checkdirs.t                42    2   4.76%  41-42
t/checkfiles.t               41    2   4.88%  24-25
t/spawn.t                    56   10  17.86%  13-15 19-25
Failed 5/14 test scripts, 64.29% okay. 38/381 subtests failed, 90.03% 
make: ** [test_dynamic] Erro 29

Linux: Red Hat 9
gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.2.2 20030222 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.2-5)

PERL version: perl5 (revision 5.0 version 8 subversion 0)


Andre Matos