[MINC-users] autoreg result differences between 0.98i and 0.98j

Steve ROBBINS minc-users@bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Tue, 12 Aug 2003 18:48:54 -0400

On Tue, Aug 12, 2003 at 06:31:13PM -0400, Yasunari Tosa wrote:
> Hi, MINC people:
> I'm slightly perplexed about the result differences between autoreg
> 0.98i with MNI 1.0.4 and 0.98j with MNI 1.1.
> (I did "mritotal -protocol icbm long.mnc long.xfm").
> Can you characterize the differences between two versions ?

I just checked CVS to be sure: the only difference between MNI autoreg 0.98i
and 0.98j is the configure script.  There were no changes to the code.
