[MINC-development] minc 2.2.00

Vladimir S. Fonov vladimir.fonov at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 21:43:10 EDT 2012


On 24/09/2012 9:01 PM, Sean McBride wrote:
>> Still it's messy and the netCDF
>> dependency precludes MINC's inclusion into ITK so MINC2 only it is.
> Does it?  Did anyone ask the ITK maintainers about this?
ITK maintainers are not thrilled with dependency on external library.

>> As for MINC1 files, the best way around this that I see is a
>> stand-alone mincconvert.
> We currently use ITK3 to read ACR-NEMA, DICOM, PAR/REC, Analyze,
> NIfTI-1, and MINC2.  And I use VTK to read MINC1
> (vtkMINCImageReader).  I was really hoping some future MINC reader
> from you guys could do both MINC1&2 so that ITK could open
> everything. :)

Have you seen https://github.com/BIC-MNI/minc4itk ? It have been out 
there for about half a year, I think. Minc1&2 support for ITK 3 & 4 , 
unfortunately relies on externally built minc.

> It's understandable that the ITK devs might not want to add yet
> another 3rd party library (NetCDF) to ITK.  But for all the 3rd party
> libs ITK includes, it also lets you point to your own copy, instead
> of ITK's, ex: ITK_USE_SYSTEM_ZLIB.  Perhaps ITK could at least let
> you point it to your own NetCDF then your reader could have some
> "#ifdef NETCDF_FOUND" stuff to support MINC1 files anyway?

It might also require substantial time commitment that nobody is willing 
to make.

Best regards,

  Vladimir S. Fonov ~ vladimir <dot> fonov <at> gmail <dot> com

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