[MINC-development] MINC2 api - hidden treasures

Vladimir S. FONOV vladimir.fonov at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 14:42:21 EST 2012

Hello Everybody,

I've been trying to make MINC2 API, NETCDF independent recently. And I 
have to say that it's been very frustrating experience so far.

Occasionally I come across pieces of code like this:
(written in 2004):

     if (volume->has_slice_scaling) {
       /* TODO: Find the slowest-varying spatial dimension; that forms
       * the basis for the image-min and image-max variables.  Right
       * now this is an oversimplification!
       ndims = volume->number_of_dims - 2;
       dataspace_id = H5Screate_simple(ndims, hdf_size, NULL);
     } else {
       ndims = 0;
       dataspace_id = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);

Which means that MINC2 files created with MINC2 API are always assumed 
to have more then 2 dimensions if slice normalization is enabled. And 
only provide 2D slice normalization.

Best regards,

  Vladimir S. FONOV ~ vladimir.fonov <at> gmail.com

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