[BIC-announce] Post-doctoral fellowship in human pain imaging genomics at McGill University

Lynda Bray, Ms. lynda.bray at mcgill.ca
Wed Jan 20 09:33:05 EST 2021

Subject: Post-doctoral fellowship in human pain imaging genomics at McGill University

Dear colleagues,

We are looking for a post-doctoral fellow to work on imaging genomics of chronic pain. We would be extremely grateful if you could circulate the ad below amongst your colleagues who could be potentially interested by that position.

Best Regards,

Mathieu Roy

Description: The Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Human Pain Genetics at McGill (https://humanpaingenetics.org/lab/) is seeking experienced and motivated applicants to conduct research in human pain imaging genomics. The applicant would work within a dynamic team of researchers with expertise in brain imaging and genetics on projects led by Drs. Mathieu Roy<https://www.mcgill.ca/roy-pain-lab/>, Étienne Vachon-Presseau<https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=hfcMdMEAAAAJ&hl=en>, and Luda Diatchenko<https://humanpaingenetics.org/lab/>. Our goal is to understand how genes and brain structure interact in pain chronicity and resilience from chronic pain. Research projects will leverage existing large data bases, such as the UK biobank (>20,000 patients with brain scans, genotyping, and more), as well as a CIHR-funded study on the effects of physical exercise intervention in chronic pain patients in Dr. Roy’s lab. McGill is a leading center in pain research (https://painresearchcenter.mcgill.ca<https://painresearchcenter.mcgill.ca/>), brain imaging (https://www.mcgill.ca/bic/), and genetics (https://humanpaingenetics.org/lab/), and the applicant will benefit from advanced training in all of these domains. Finally, Montreal is a vibrant university city that consistently ranks in the high top 10 of the best cities for students (https://www.topuniversities.com/city-rankings/2017).

Desired skills and experience:

  *   Ph.D. obtained or close to being obtained in a discipline related to brain imaging and/or genetics.
  *   Must have good coding skills and capacity to work with large data bases
  *   Must have excellent communication and technical writing skills (English).
  *   Competitive applicants should have a record of first-authored publications in quality peer-reviewed journals.

 Hiring conditions:

  *   Salary is competitive and will correspond to qualification
  *   One-year renewable position starting in 2021.

How to apply:

  *   Please send a CV and a short motivation letter to mathieu.roy3 at mcgill.ca<mailto:mathieu.roy3 at mcgill.ca>
  *   Please provide a list of three references that we may contact by email

Mathieu Roy
Assistant Professor, dept. of Psychology, McGill University
Canada Research Chair (tier 2) on brain imaging of pain.
Room 760, 2001 McGill College Avenue, Mtl., Qc., Can., H3A 1G1
Tel : 514-916-3922

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