[BIC-announce] problems with Le James for computers? was: Purchasing computers for University-related activities / Achat d’ordinateurs destinés aux activités universitaires

Siddiqi Kaleem siddiqi at cim.mcgill.ca
Fri Sep 25 09:28:39 EDT 2020

Hi Louis,

I took them on, and had a long protracted discussion with Kathy Zendahabad which lasted several months. I also reported the policy to NSERC asking if it was even legal to require us to use Le James. I asked to see the policy that the Senate came up with and apparently is now being used to require us to use Le James for hardware purchases. It turns out that that Senate policy does not actually pertain to “research” grants!

The issue seems to be how to track purchases and how to use MMP, and it is a bit complex. The Faculty of Science agreed that I could use a personal credit card in the future and then file an expense report. For apple products for example there is no way to use MMP since the default supplier is Le James.

If you are in touch with Kathy I would be happy to be part of the conversation or at least be copied. I even took this up with NSERC arguing that forcing us to use tax payers money for reduced services simply seemed wrong. You’ll see that the price you get for apple products such as laptops, on their website with the apple discount is in fact 5 to 10 percent lower than what the bookstore charges you because they charge a service fee.

My story - I upgraded my laptop after 7 years and the new one was delivered in November last fall. At the time it arrived there was a new 16 in model available and apple was no longer selling the 15 in model. I took a while to react, since I was tied up with teaching, but I never opened the box. In early January I asked them to exchange it for the newer model and I agreed to pay the difference, but they did not agree (they have a very restrictive return policy - something like 10 days). When I took the unopened box to the apple store they said they would happily take it back and process an exchange. it turned out that there was no way to effect this since the purchaser was Le James, and in fact, the supplier as a third party who refused to comply. I tried to fight this for 6 months insisting that they agree to at least match the apple store’s service. A month ago I finally gave up and opened the laptop delivered in November. 

But I also got the Faculty of Science administration involved and they agreed that in future they would sign off on purchases made on credit cards on a case by case basis, even though purchasing frowns upon this.

If I were you I would track down the Senate IP policy document and check its wording and go from there.


Kaleem Siddiqi
School of Computer Science &
Centre for Intelligent Machines
McGill University

> On Sep 25, 2020, at 8:52 AM, Louis Collins, Dr. <louis.collins at mcgill.ca> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I’m writing to solicit your help in a discussion that I intend to have with Purchasing at McGill.  According to the email below, we are supposed to buy computer equipment from Le James.  I find this difficult to accept, because I (and others) have not had good service from Le James. For example:
> I tried to order a MacBook from Le James.  It took 6-7 days to get a quote and they were going to take another 10 days to order it.  I ordered one on the web and had next day delivery to the Apple store on Ste-Catherine.
> Last week I tried to order a common 1TB SSD drive, Le James could not get the model I wanted. NewEgg has 2-3 day delivery.
> Peter ordered a keyboard and mouse from Le James recently and it took two weeks to arrive.
> Simon tried to order 1 workstation and 1 regular desktop from Le James.  Despite detailed quotes with specific items supported within the BIC IT infrastructure, Le James insisted on buying another product that will result in difficulties with support
> One colleague ordered a MacBook 3 months ago from Le James, and he was still waiting for it at the beginning of September.
> Such lack of service Le James is unacceptable since Apple.ca <http://apple.ca/>, NewEgg.com and Amazon.ca and others all offer good (or often better prices), often with next day delivery, and much better service (including returns). Forcing profs to subsidize the lack lustre Le James using public funds is ridiculous..
> If you’ve run into difficulties with Le James, can you please drop me a short email, and I’ll include you in the list (with or without your name, let me know) above when I communicate with Purchasing next week.  
> thanks and have a good weekend!
> -Louis
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: MRO McGill Communications <mcgillstaff.mro at mcgill.ca <mailto:mcgillstaff.mro at mcgill.ca>>
>> Subject: Purchasing computers for University-related activities / Achat d’ordinateurs destinés aux activités universitaires
>> Date: August 26, 2020 at 1:30:17 PM GMT-4
>> To: x-All McGill Staff <x-AllMcGillStaff at campus.mcgill.ca <mailto:x-AllMcGillStaff at campus.mcgill.ca>>
>> This message is sent on behalf of Procurement Services and LE JAMES Bookstore.
>> Le présent message est envoyé au nom du Service des approvisionnements et de la Librairie  <>LE JAMES.
>> La version française suit. <> 
>> Dear colleagues:
>> As you plan for the upcoming academic year, please remember that all University-related computer purchases must be made through the Institutional Sales unit of McGill University Bookstore (LE JAMES). This includes computers relating to research and administrative activities.
>> Institutional Sales will help ensure that the products will meet McGill requirements and work with the University’s infrastructure. The awarded contracts have provided the University with a wide range of top-tier manufacturers, including: Apple, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, LG, Toshiba (Dynabook) and ViewSonic. 
>> Buying computer equipment through LE JAMES is a necessary part of compliance with our contractual commitment in accordance with the Quebec’s Act Respecting Contracting by Public Bodies and in adherence with the University’s Procurement Policy, the University’s Minimum Standard Requirements for IT Assets as well as the University’s Asset Management Program and Procedures. In early 2019, the University, through the launch of two public calls for tenders, entered into delivery order contracts with various computer suppliers for the resale of the computer equipment through LE JAMES.
>> The ordering process is fast and efficient:
>> We can assist you in finding any machine as per your requirements. Standard machines are listed on our website (https://lejames.ca/institutional <https://lejames.ca/institutional>)
>> The LE JAMES Institutional Sales staff (is.bookstore at mcgill.ca <mailto:is.bookstore at mcgill.ca>) is available to assist you with your product selection or technical enquiries.
>> Request a quote from Institutional Sales: is.bookstore at mcgill.ca <mailto:is.bookstore at mcgill.ca>. Any additional information including in the request (specific requirements, model numbers, etc.) will help expedite this process.
>> Once you have received your quote, issue a purchase requisition through the McGill Marketplace (please speak to your supervisor if you need access).  Upon receipt of an approved requisition, LE JAMES will order the requested product(s) from the appropriate contracted supplier(s).
>> Please direct any follow-up inquiries to LE JAMES Institutional Sales for greater efficiency. 
>> We look forward to assisting with all your technology needs.
>> Chers collègues, <>
>> À l’heure des préparatifs pour l’année universitaire à venir, nous vous rappelons que vous devez obligatoirement faire tous vos achats d’ordinateurs destinés aux activités universitaires par l’entremise de l’équipe des ventes institutionnelles de la Librairie LE JAMES. Cette consigne s’applique aux ordinateurs destinés à la recherche et aux services administratifs. <> <>
>> L’équipe des Ventes institutionnelles s’assure que les produits répondent aux critères de l’Université et sont compatibles avec son infrastructure. L’Université a conclu des ententes avec plusieurs grands fabricants, à savoir  <> <>Apple, Asus, Dell, HP, Lenovo, LG, Toshiba (Dynabook) et ViewSonic.
>> Nous devons acheter le matériel informatique par l’entremise de la Librairie LE JAMES pour respecter notre engagement contractuel, conformément à la Loi sur les contrats des organismes publics du Québec, observer la Politique d’approvisionnement de même que le Programme de gestion des actifs et les procédures connexes de l’Université, et satisfaire aux exigences minimales de l’Université relativement au matériel informatique. <> Au début de 2019, l’Université a lancé deux appels d’offres publics qui ont mené à la conclusion de contrats avec divers fournisseurs pour la revente de matériel informatique par l’entreprise de la Librairie LE JAMES. <>
>> Le processus de commande est rapide et efficace : <>
>> Nous pouvons vous aider à choisir l’appareil qui vous convient. Vous trouverez la liste des appareils offerts s <>ur notre site Web ( <>https://lejames.ca/institutional <https://lejames.ca/institutional>).
>> L’équipe des Ventes institutionnelles de la Librairie LE JAMES ( <>is.bookstore at mcgill.ca <mailto:is.bookstore at mcgill.ca>) peut vous aider à choisir un produit et répondre aux questions techniques.
>> Pour demander un devis à l’équipe des Ventes institutionnelles, rendez-vous à  <>is.bookstore at mcgill.ca <mailto:is.bookstore at mcgill.ca>. Plus vous serez précis (besoins particuliers, numéro de modèle, etc.), plus votre demande sera traitée rapidement. <>
>> Lorsque vous aurez votre devis en main, faites une demande d’achat dans McGill Marketplace (au besoin, demandez un droit d’accès à votre supérieur). La Librairie LE JAMES passera la commande auprès du fournisseur visé dès réception de la demande d’achat approuvée. <> <>
>> Par souci d’efficacité, nous vous demandons d’adresser toute demande de suivi directement à l’équipe des Ventes institutionnelles de la Librairie LE JAMES. <> 
>> Au plaisir de vous servir! <>
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