[BIC-announce] FW: Neuro Procedure: Guidelines and reminders for accessing The Neuro and once inside

Zografos Caramanos, Mr zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca
Fri May 29 09:40:32 EDT 2020

Please send to all BIC employees and BIC list, as this is a great summary that everyone needs to be familiar with if they need to go to The Neuro.



Julien Doyon, Ph.D., FRSC, FCAHS
Directeur, Centre d’imagerie cérébrale McConnell
Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Center
Professeur, Département de neurologie et neurochirurgie
Professor, Department of Neurology and neurosurgery

The Neuro #OpenScience
3801 University Street, Montréal, Quebec H3A 2B4
Bureau/Office: 514-398-5953; Cell.: 514-979-3488
julien.doyon at mcgill.ca<mailto:julien.doyon at mcgill.ca>
theneuro.ca<http://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/>; The BIC<https://www.mcgill.ca/bic/>: Web Page<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/julien-doyon-phd>

From: MNI-facultystaff <MNI-FACULTYSTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA<mailto:MNI-FACULTYSTAFF at LISTS.MCGILL.CA>> on behalf of NeuroCommunications <communications.neuro at MCGILL.CA<mailto:communications.neuro at MCGILL.CA>>
Reply-To: NeuroCommunications <communications.neuro at mcgill.ca<mailto:communications.neuro at mcgill.ca>>
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 11:01 PM
Subject: Neuro Procedure: Guidelines and reminders for accessing The Neuro and once inside

[The Neuro's logo]<https://mcgill.ca/neuro/>

MAY 28, 2020



The restart of research activities at The Neuro follows the McGill University on-campus research phase-in directives and the guidelines on preventing spread of COVID-19.

Health and safety are our top priority
All Neuro staff and trainees need to have the same information and share the same recommendations.

Neuro Principal Investigators are expected to be familiar with, and abide by all university directives and guidelines to plan a safe and gradual return to work.

Below are links to information documents for researchers, followed by an archive of memos with additional information. Please share with your lab members.

All information can be found: https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/category/tags/research-ramp-process



Weekdays 7 am to 7 pm
Researchers enter the Neuro complex by 3 secured entrances.  All persons entering must pass through the triage screening process.

  *   Research staff working in the BTRC/Molson Pavilion: BTRC entrance only.
  *   Research staff working in the North Wing and Webster B1:  North Wing L3 entrance only.
  *   Research staff working in the main Neuro building (floors 2, 6, 7, 8): 3801 University entrance only.

After hours and weekend

  *   All Researchers must enter and exit via 3801 University Street only.
  *   If door at 3801 University is locked, ring security to request access.
  *   BTRC and L3 entrances will be locked and used for emergency exit only.

Movement within the complex is restricted.

  *   Please follow all signage within buildings and elevators.
  *   No access to hospital areas, including Café Vienne.

No external visitors allowed at any time into research areas.

To request access to The Neuro for an External Vendor, please fill out: External Vendor Access Request Form<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/fdfa5c541277492da5d96310e124eb37>

Do not come to The Neuro if you experience any symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19.

Parking (procedure for McGill staff)<https://mcgill.ca/coronavirus/article/mcgill-operations-working-campus/employees-who-are-required-site-perform-work-will-be-offered-free-parking>
Present your McGill ID card

·           If you have No ID, Access is Denied. Staff or student to contact supervisor.

        *   Supervisor should email Neuro Facilities<mailto:facilities.neuro at mcgill.ca>, provide name and ID number of person requesting access, as well as lab room number.

·           Yes you have an ID, go to STEP 2.

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In the last 7 days, have you had a new onset of one or more of the following symptoms?

  *   Fever
  *   Cough
  *   Sore throat
  *   Diarrhea
  *   Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  *   Nasal congestion & runny nose

·         Yes: Access is Denied, security guard gives a mask and handout to McGill Staff and/or Student

·         No: go to STEP 3

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In the last 14 days, did you have contact with someone in your household who tested positive for COVID-19?

  *   No:  Access permitted, security guard gives a mask

·         Yes: Access is Denied, security guard gives a mask and handout to McGill Staff and/or Student

Handout link<https://at.theneuro.ca/COVID19TransmissionPrevention>


Restricted movement inside The Neuro (follow signage) and use of Elevators<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/channels/news/elevators-restricted-access-and-reprogramming-322171>
PREVENTION – Protecting The Neuro

  *   Wash your hands frequently and practice good cough etiquette.

  *   Maintain a physical distance of 2 metres at all times when other physical barriers are not present.

  *   Maintain a density of 1 person per 16m2 (2 metres around a person) or lower for enclosed workspaces (such as labs) where multiple individuals need to work for extended hours.

  *   Ensure frequent cleaning especially of high-touch surfaces and objects.

  *   All staff are to wear a mask when around others and when moving through common spaces.

  *   Currently only water fountains with sensor fill stations are operational.  Please bring a water bottle from home if possible.  We anticipate re-opening water fountains by next week.  There will be hand sanitizer dispensers next to fountains.  Sanitize before and after use.  It is still encouraged to bring a water bottle and fill at fountain.  Do not drink from fountain. Ten new sensor fill stations are on order.

  *   NO access to the hospital floors or Café Vienne.  Researchers are encouraged to use floor B1 for essential movements within the complex.  Please avoid use of floors 1 and 2 of main complex.

Failure to comply with these guidelines could result in reduced access, exclusion from the building, and/or disciplinary measures.


Lunch/ break rooms can be used, but physical distancing guidelines (2 metres) must be followed, and surfaces must be wiped down after use.

  *   Respect maximum occupancy sign outside each common room.

  *   The following conference rooms are approved to be used as lunch rooms only for research staff and students:
     *   Chippindale Room (BT102)
     *   Banque Nationale
     *   Bell Room
     *   NW L3

  *   Lunch rooms are also open at NW122 & 665B

  *   Eating outside is encouraged
     *   BTRC; NW L3 and NW L2 Terraces are open

  *   The following Conference rooms remain closed for researchers:
     *   Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre
     *   NW201
     *   Conference Room 636
     *   de Grandpré Communications Centre
     *   Rooms 124, 174A, 188
     *   Library conference room

  *   Reminders:
     *   Lab meetings, journal clubs, seminars will continue to be held remotely

     *   No access to Café Vienne for research staff and students.


  *   Daily log<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/channels/news/log-visits-authorized-research-personnel-321351>

o   McGill directives on preventing the spread of COVID-19 on campus<https://mcgill.ca/coronavirus/resources/directives-preventing-spread-covid-19-campus>

  *   General Guidance for Personal Protection and Decontamination<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/files/neuro/general_guidelines_for_decontamination_and_protection_-_covid-19_precautions_in_labs_table_of_contents_version_may_16_2020_0.pdf> in the lab

Hand hygiene is mandatory for all employees returning to work


Hands should be washed in the following situations:

  *   Upon arrival in the workplace
  *   After work in close contact with another employee (less than 2 metres)
  *   If hands are soiled/dirty
  *   After using the bathroom
  *   At the end of the day
  *   Upon arrival at home
  *   Anyone leaving a lab must take off their gloves and wash their hands again before walking out, to avoid contaminating doorknobs, elevators etc

Hand sanitizer dispensers are located at the entrances.

If you find an empty post or wall-mounted hand sanitizer dispenser, please submit a request online<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/ad51b1ded5c048c9b5b8ec5633fefe1a> to have it refilled.


Mask Policy: research staff/students are encouraged to bring their own masks from home or the lab.  If you do not have a mask upon entering the building, security will give you one.

  *   All staff are to wear a mask when around others (ex lab or office) and when moving through common spaces where 2m social distance can’t be respected, for example  in hallways, elevators, stairwells, washrooms, shared labs, shared offices, etc.

  *   Re-use of masks. We encourage, if not damaged nor soiled, the re-use of masks. They can be set aside in designated areas of a room or stored in individual bags to be re-used either the following day or later in the week.

Reminders for the use of non-medical masks:

  *   Learn about the proper use of these masks. See the following videos:
  *   MSSS (English): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu-sqT1us_U
  *   MSSS (French): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2y3RKBrKK6c

  *   Ordering PPE through MMP<https://horizon.mcgill.ca/pban1/bzfkep02.p_profile>*

*As per McGill directives: please be advised that you must order through MMP.  There is a central store for these materials (masks, gloves, cleaning supplies/ethanol) named McGill personal protection stockroom.  Procurement may need to ration provisions, as PPE is in limited supply.  Supplies can only be ordered for 1 week at a time


Public Areas

Building Services will increase cleaning and disinfection of public spaces and high touch areas including washrooms, doors and entranceways (door handles, plates and push bars), elevators, drinking fountains, kitchenettes, handrails, and other high touch horizontal and vertical surfaces.

Building Services does not clean any tools or equipment in labs or offices.

  *   General Guidance for Personal Protection and Decontamination<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/files/neuro/general_guidelines_for_decontamination_and_protection_-_covid-19_precautions_in_labs_table_of_contents_version_may_16_2020_0.pdf> in the lab
  *   Ordering PPE through MMP<https://horizon.mcgill.ca/pban1/bzfkep02.p_profile>*

*As per McGill directives: please be advised that you must order through MMP.  There is a central store for these materials (masks, gloves, cleaning supplies/ethanol) named McGill personal protection stockroom.  Procurement may need to ration provisions, as PPE is in limited supply.  Supplies can only be ordered for 1 week at a time

  *   External Vendor Access Request Form<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/fdfa5c541277492da5d96310e124eb37>
  *   Mail Room and General Stores Reminders<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/channels/news/research-ramp-reminders-and-updates-322357>

For all Facilities requests (including refill of sanitizer dispensers, social distancing signage), please fill out this online form<https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/ad51b1ded5c048c9b5b8ec5633fefe1a>


  *   Application Form<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/channels/news/neuro-research-ramp-process-and-application-form-322172>
Phases of the Ramp-Up<https://www.mcgill.ca/neuro/files/neuro/channels/attach/phases_neuro_research_ramp-up_may_14_final_updated_may_15.pdf>
  *   Faculty of Medicine Guidelines: Ramping up Research Activities<https://www.mcgill.ca/medresearch/files/medresearch/guidelines_for_ramping_up_fom_research.pdf>

For more information contact: Neuro Communications<mailto:communications.neuro at mcgill.ca>


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