[BIC-announce] Fwd: Stat workshop HBM Rome 2019 - REGISTRATION

JB Poline jbpoline at gmail.com
Sun May 19 20:01:49 EDT 2019

Dear all,

For those interested in statistical analyses / machine learning,  Hernando
Ombao is organizing a workshop after OHBM.
"Recent advances on modeling and inference for brain signals and images",
Friday June 14th.
More information and registration following the link below:



---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Hernando Ombao <ombaostat at gmail.com>
Date: Sun, May 19, 2019 at 4:49 AM
Subject: Stat workshop HBM Rome 2019 - REGISTRATION
To: Moo K. Chung <mkchung at wisc.edu>, Thomas Nichols <
thomas.nichols at bdi.ox.ac.uk>, JB Poline <jbpoline at gmail.com>, Mandy Mejia <
mandy.mejia at gmail.com>, <shi at mail.med.upenn.edu>, Kornak, John <
john.kornak at ucsf.edu>, <jiankang at umich.edu>, Harezlak, Jaroslaw <
harezlak at iu.edu>, Zhang, Tingting (tz3b) <tz3b at virginia.edu>, Raanju
Sundararajan <raanju.sundararajan at kaust.edu.sa>

Dear All -

Please register ASAP. Link below.

Please also forward this to your students or
colleagues who are thinking about attending.

There are no fees. The purpose of the registration
is for our hosts to determine the proper quantity of
food and also identify food restrictions, if any.


Thank you!

Hernando Ombao, Ph.D.
Professor of Statistics
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
Saudi Arabia

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