[BIC-announce] BIC Lecture | Georgios Mitsis

Bratislav Misic, Dr. bratislav.misic at mcgill.ca
Thu Nov 8 14:56:35 EST 2018

Speaker: Georgios Mitsis

Title: Modeling of regional cerebral hemodynamics and time-varying functional connectivity using signals/systems theory

Location: de Grandpré

Time: Monday Nov 12th @ 1PM

Coffee and cookies will be served!

Mon-Sept-24     Takuya Hayashi
Mon-Oct-01      Jean Chen
Mon-Oct-08      Thanksgiving
Mon-Oct-15      Mahsa Dadar
Mon-Oct-22      Véronique Bohbot
Mon-Oct-29      Sébastien Jacquemont
Mon-Nov-05      SFN Conference

Mon-Nov-12      Georgios Mitsis
Mon-Nov-19      Randy McIntosh
Mon-Nov-26      Alex Thiel
Mon-Dec-03      TBA
Mon-Dec-10      BIC Retreat

Mon-Dec-17      TBA

Bratislav Misic, PhD
Montreal Neurological Institute
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