[BIC-announce] Post-doctoral Positions Available: Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Aging

Zografos Caramanos, Mr zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca
Thu Jul 6 15:06:45 EDT 2017

Post-doctoral Positions Available
Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory and Aging

Lab of Prof. M. Natasha Rajah,  Director, Douglas Brain Imaging Centre,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada

The laboratory of Prof. Natasha Rajah, Douglas Institute, McGill University (Montreal, Canada) is currently seeking talented and motivated post-doctoral researchers interested in multivariate and connectivity analysis of structural and functional MRI data in the areas of cognitive neuroscience of memory, aging and dementia prevention.

Our lab conducts cross-sectional adult lifespan studies using neuroimaging methods to investigate healthy brain aging and its impact on memory function. In addition, we study how genetic risk factors for late-oonnssetet AAllzzhheeiimmeer'sr's ddiisseaeassee ((AADD)),, bibiololooggiicalcal sexsex,, anandd sexsex hohorrmmononeses impact memory and brain function across the adult lifespan. We are also involved in the analysis of task fMRI data collected in several dementia-related clinical trials and observational cohort studies done in collaboration with other research groups in Montreal.

Starting date:  Flexible

Duration: Funding is available for 2yrs (salary commiserate with experience) with possibility of extension.

Academic Requirements: The successful candidate must have: 1) a Ph.D. in Psychology, Neuroscience, or related discipline; 2) expertise in aging and/or memory research OR expertise in structural and functional MRI multivariate and connectivity analyses; and 3) peer reviewed publications and a track record of research excellence. The candidate should have a keen interest in the topics of sex differences, brain aging, neural networks and memory function.

Skills: The successful candidate must have experience working in both Windows and Linux environments, and using the following software: MSOffice, SPSS or R, and Matlab. Experience using SPM, FSL, ANTs, PLS and/or AFNI or similar image analysis software is required.
Excellent communication skills in English are a must, and the ability to communicate in French is an asset. Programming skills are an asset.

Required documents: You must be eligible to work in Canada. McGill University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

Send enquiries to: maria.rajah at mcgill.ca<mailto:maria.rajah at mcgill.ca>

To learn more about our lab please visit: http://www.rajahlab.com<http://www.rajahlab.com/>
Please refer to: https://www.mcgill.ca/gps/postdocsapplication for details on working as a
postdoctoral fellow at McGill University.

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