[BIC-announce] BIC-Martinos Facebook Challenge!

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Thu Jul 6 10:53:43 EDT 2017

Dear BIC Community:

We're under friendly attack from another great imaging centre on the planet: last night, the Martinos Centre has launched a call to catch up with our number of followers on Facebook: we’re close to 1,000. [cid:6FB50FD8-0688-4277-87A5-B6CCAB03AC5A]

If you’re on facebook like 2 other billion of people on this planet, make sure you “like” our Centre’s page at: https://www.facebook.com/McConnellBrainImagingCentre

Have a great summer everyone,


Sylvain Baillet, PhD
Professor, Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

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