[BIC-announce] BIC Trainee Meetup – March 30th, 12:00 - Helen Penfield Atrium

Scott Thompson scott.thompson4 at mail.mcgill.ca
Mon Mar 28 12:46:09 EDT 2016

Hello Everyone,

The BIC Council Student Representatives (Benjamin Elgie, Jack Lam, Sara Lariviere and Scott Thompson) invite the BIC trainees for coffee, snacks and discussion. As BIC Council Representatives we would like to tell you a little about what happens at the BIC council meetings as well as solicit  suggestions or ideas you would like for us to bring to the BIC council. You may also take this opportunity to meet other BIC trainees.

March 30th, 12:00 to 12:50, Helen Penfield Atrium (just outside of the de Grandpré).

This is right before the BIC Lecture. Stop by before the lecture, have a snack and chat with your representative.

Your BIC Council Representatives
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