[BIC-announce] FW: Invitation: BICnic2016

Zografos Caramanos, Mr zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca
Mon Jun 20 10:25:27 EDT 2016

Dear friends of the BIC:

Starting at 3pm, Thursday June 23: Parc Jeanne-Mance (between Duluth and Rachel).
Join us to celebrate summer and another productive BIC year, at the 2016 BICnic.
Families & significant others always welcome.
See attached for details.

We’ll share free pizza, free drinks, free beverages and free BIC30 tshirts.
Please bake and bring a dessert/cake to share. A big bubble soccer challenge is also on schedule.

For logistics: Please register by Doodle and indicate +1, +2, etc. next to your name if you bring someone along.

Cheers - Sylvain.


Sylvain Baillet, PhD

Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering
Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
MNI Killam and FRQ-S Senior Scholar
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

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