[BIC-announce] Hacking Health Montreal and NeuroTechMTL invitation ...

Sylvain MILOT sylvain at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Wed Jun 15 14:45:21 EDT 2016

This might be of interest to some of you ...


"Hacking Health Montreal and NeuroTechMTL invite you to an exciting café where a unique combination of perspectives will come together to explain how advancements in neurotechnology are
going to change how we understand and work with memory. Researchers, physicians, technology entrepreneurs and caregivers are all an important part of this journey and you will hear what
each has to say. Refreshments will be served!"
(More information: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/hacking-memory-exploring-tech-in-neuroscience-tickets-25914964356)
Hector D Orozco Perez
+1 (438) 345 1075

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