[BIC-announce] Fwd: REMINDER: Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty Candidate talks January 11 and January 13

A. Dagher, Dr. alain.dagher at mcgill.ca
Fri Jan 8 18:55:00 EST 2016

Alain Dagher MD
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Lesley K Fellows, Dr" <lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca<mailto:lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca>>
Date: January 8, 2016 at 18:11:11 GMT-5
To: Ana Lucia Fernandez Cruz <ana.fernandezcruz at mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:ana.fernandezcruz at mail.mcgill.ca>>, "Christopher Pack, Dr." <christopher.pack at mcgill.ca<mailto:christopher.pack at mcgill.ca>>, "Etienne De Villers-Sidani, Dr." <etienne.de-villers-sidani at mcgill.ca<mailto:etienne.de-villers-sidani at mcgill.ca>>, "A. Dagher, Dr." <alain.dagher at mcgill.ca<mailto:alain.dagher at mcgill.ca>>, "Joelle Crane, Dr" <joelle.crane at mcgill.ca<mailto:joelle.crane at mcgill.ca>>, "Jelena Djordjevic, Dr." <jelena.djordjevic at mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:jelena.djordjevic at mail.mcgill.ca>>, "Marilyn Jones-Gotman, Dr." <marilyn.jonesgotman at mcgill.ca<mailto:marilyn.jonesgotman at mcgill.ca>>, "Denise Klein, Dr." <denise.klein at mcgill.ca<mailto:denise.klein at mcgill.ca>>, "Gabriel Leonard, Dr." <gabriel.leonard at mcgill.ca<mailto:gabriel.leonard at mcgill.ca>>, "Brenda Milner, Dr." <brenda.milner at mcgill.ca<mailto:brenda.milner at mcgill.ca>>, "Michael Petrides, Dr." <michael.petrides at mcgill.ca<mailto:michael.petrides at mcgill.ca>>, "Alain Ptito, Dr." <alain.ptito at mcgill.ca<mailto:alain.ptito at mcgill.ca>>, "Viviane Sziklas, Dr." <viviane.sziklas at mcgill.ca<mailto:viviane.sziklas at mcgill.ca>>, "R. Zatorre, Dr." <robert.zatorre at mcgill.ca<mailto:robert.zatorre at mcgill.ca>>, Melanie Segado <melanie.segado at gmail.com<mailto:melanie.segado at gmail.com>>, Shanna Kousaie <shannakousaie at yahoo.ca<mailto:shannakousaie at yahoo.ca>>, "Sylvain Baillet, Dr" <sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca<mailto:sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca>>, alan evans <alan.acehigh at gmail.com<mailto:alan.acehigh at gmail.com>>, "Christine Dery, Ms." <christine.dery at mcgill.ca<mailto:christine.dery at mcgill.ca>>
Cc: Annie Le Bire <annie.le_bire at mcgill.ca<mailto:annie.le_bire at mcgill.ca>>
Subject: REMINDER: Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty Candidate talks January 11 and January 13

Hi everyone,
Just a reminder of two special talks next week, both being held in the De Grandpré Auditorium:

G Elliott Wimmer
Post-doctoral Fellow
Stanford University

9-10 AM on Monday, January 11
"Learning and memory systems supporting decision making”


Bradley Doll
Postdoctoral research associate
Center for Neural Science, New York University
Department of Psychology, Columbia University

4-5 PM on Wednesday, January 13
"Neurocomputational systems for decision-making”

Please circulate this reminder to your students and network.

See you at the talks. Have a good weekend,


On Dec 2, 2015, at 08:38, Annie Le Bire <annie.le_bire at mcgill.ca<mailto:annie.le_bire at mcgill.ca>> wrote:


From: Annie Le Bire
Sent: November-30-15 9:38 AM
To: Pack, Christopher <christopher.pack at mcgill.ca<mailto:christopher.pack at mcgill.ca>>; de Villers-Sidani, Etienne <etienne.de-villers-sidani at mcgill.ca<mailto:etienne.de-villers-sidani at mcgill.ca>>; Dagher, Alain <alain.dagher at mcgill.ca<mailto:alain.dagher at mcgill.ca>>; CRANE, Joelle (#00261) <joelle.crane at mcgill.ca<mailto:joelle.crane at mcgill.ca>>; 'DJORDJEVIC, Jelena (#1617)' <jelena.djordjevic at mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:jelena.djordjevic at mail.mcgill.ca>>; FELLOWS, Lesley (#8481) <lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca<mailto:lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca>>; JONES-GOTMAN, Marilyn (#8907) <marilyn.jonesgotman at mcgill.ca<mailto:marilyn.jonesgotman at mcgill.ca>>; 'KLEIN, Denise (#3134)' <denise.klein at mcgill.ca<mailto:denise.klein at mcgill.ca>>; LEONARD, Gabriel (#8905) <gabriel.leonard at mcgill.ca<mailto:gabriel.leonard at mcgill.ca>>; MILNER, Brenda (#8503) <brenda.milner at mcgill.ca<mailto:brenda.milner at mcgill.ca>>; 'PETRIDES, Michael (#8375)' <michael.petrides at mcgill.ca<mailto:michael.petrides at mcgill.ca>>; PTITO, Alain (#8906) <alain.ptito at mcgill.ca<mailto:alain.ptito at mcgill.ca>>; 'SZIKLAS, Viviane (#8904)' <viviane.sziklas at mcgill.ca<mailto:viviane.sziklas at mcgill.ca>>; ZATORRE, Robert (#8903) <robert.zatorre at mcgill.ca<mailto:robert.zatorre at mcgill.ca>>
Cc: FERNANDEZ, Ana Lucia (LF#2096) <ana.fernandezcruz at mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:ana.fernandezcruz at mail.mcgill.ca>>
Subject: REMINDER: Staff Meeting this coming WEDNESDAY (Dec. 2 at 3:00 pm in Rasmussen Rm - Library)

REMINDER (See below)

From: Annie Le Bire
Sent: November-05-15 1:31 PM
To: Pack, Christopher <christopher.pack at mcgill.ca<mailto:christopher.pack at mcgill.ca>>; de Villers-Sidani, Etienne <etienne.de-villers-sidani at mcgill.ca<mailto:etienne.de-villers-sidani at mcgill.ca>>; Dagher, Alain <alain.dagher at mcgill.ca<mailto:alain.dagher at mcgill.ca>>; Alain Ptito, Dr. <alain.ptito at mcgill.ca<mailto:alain.ptito at mcgill.ca>>; 'CRANE, Joelle (#00261)' <joelle.crane at mcgill.ca<mailto:joelle.crane at mcgill.ca>>; 'DJORDJEVIC, Jelena (#1617)' <jelena.djordjevic at mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:jelena.djordjevic at mail.mcgill.ca>>; FELLOWS, Lesley (#8481) <lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca<mailto:lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca>>; JONES-GOTMAN, Marilyn (#8907) <marilyn.jonesgotman at mcgill.ca<mailto:marilyn.jonesgotman at mcgill.ca>>; 'KLEIN, Denise (#3134)' <denise.klein at mcgill.ca<mailto:denise.klein at mcgill.ca>>; LEONARD, Gabriel (#8905) <gabriel.leonard at mcgill.ca<mailto:gabriel.leonard at mcgill.ca>>; MILNER, Brenda (#8503) <brenda.milner at mcgill.ca<mailto:brenda.milner at mcgill.ca>>; 'PETRIDES, Michael (#8375)' <michael.petrides at mcgill.ca<mailto:michael.petrides at mcgill.ca>>; 'SZIKLAS, Viviane (#8904)' <viviane.sziklas at mcgill.ca<mailto:viviane.sziklas at mcgill.ca>>; ZATORRE, Robert (#8903) <robert.zatorre at mcgill.ca<mailto:robert.zatorre at mcgill.ca>>
Cc: FERNANDEZ, Ana Lucia (LF#2096) <ana.fernandezcruz at mail.mcgill.ca<mailto:ana.fernandezcruz at mail.mcgill.ca>>
Subject: FW: staff meeting minutes, May 7 2015

Hi everyone,
This is to inform you that the next Staff Meeting of the CogNeuro Group has been scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 3:00 in the Rasmussen Room (Library).  Please mark it down or let me know if you cannot make it.   Minutes of the last meeting can be found below.

The agenda is as follows:

Update on recruitment
Update on CFREF
Update on functional plan as it relates to cognitive neuroscience
Cognition and circuits seminars
Neuropsychology Day

Thank you for your attention,
Annie for Lesley

From: Lesley K Fellows, Dr
Sent: May-08-15 2:32 PM
To: Lesley K Fellows, Dr <lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca<mailto:lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca>>
Cc: Annie Le Bire <annie.le_bire at mcgill.ca<mailto:annie.le_bire at mcgill.ca>>
Subject: staff meeting minutes, May 7 2015

MInutes, staff meeting of May 7, 2015.

Present: Lesley, Marilyn, Michael, Robert, Brenda, Denise, Joelle, Gabriel, Annie, Jonathan (student rep)
Regrets: Jelena, Viviane, Chris

Meeting called to order at 2:04.
Minutes of previous meeting approved as circulated.
1. Lesley provided an update on recruitment:
a. Three clinician-scientists with cognitive neuroscience research interests were interviewed in the past few months. The search committee recommended pursuing the recruitment of Madeleine Sharp and Maiya Geddes. Chenjie Xia was also seen as of interest, but more junior in her post-doctoral training, so perhaps best to wait a year and reconsider. The recruitments are now in the hands of Dr Rouleau.
b. We are currently in the midst of candidate visits for the basic science positions, with 2 candidates to visit in the week of May 19-21 who are mainly linked to cognitive neuroscience (Dayan, Gallivan), and several others (Misic, Margulies, Peyrache, Bernhardt) likely to have substantial overlap with the interests of our group. Lesley or Robert is attending the search committee meetings. She encouraged others to attend all talks, and to pass on any comments about any candidates directly to her.

2. Cog Neuro budget:  This was fully spent in the past year. Items included basic operating support for the unit as a whole: paper, printer supplies, telephone lines etc, contribution to the Cognition and Circuits seminar series costs, contribution to Neuropsychology Day costs, prizes for the trainees at Neuropsychology Day. Lesley proposed to continue with this general allocation for next year, and also encouraged that these funds be used where small amounts might catalyze new research projects or development of collaborations. It was unanimously agreed that an off-site retreat was not a good use of these funds. There was discussion of the incoherence of the policies around basic items like telephone and internet connections. This has been pointed out to the MNI administration repeatedly, and will be taken up again.

3. Neuropsychology Day 2015: All felt this had gone very well. Student presentations were a highlight. Lesley needs to better plan for judging of the posters, but proposed to continue to offer prizes, funds permitting. The overall schedule for the day was endorsed as a good model for next year. It was agreed that closer attention needed to be paid to inviting guests from other Montreal universities and other MNI units to ensure that the day continues to be a chance to connect with old friends and new. The sit-down lunch was praised as delicious, but the sit-down part received mixed reviews, with some feeling that it limited interaction.

4. Cognition and Circuits Seminar series: Extensive discussion occured about the past year’s series. Lesley to take these under advisement, and discuss with Chris the best way forward. It was agreed that trainees should be involved with the organization, but that more faculty level leadership might help in encouraging attendance, ensuring that the sessions are chaired so that they start and end on time, etc. Most seemed to feel that is was worth continuing these in some form.

5. Student orientation: Fall welcome events were discussed. The conclusion was that there should be two events:  one the traditional potluck with emphasis on socializing (Denise may have volunteered to coordinate this) and the other a more practically-oriented session to help senior students meet the incoming group, and build better cohesion at that level. This could occur with the IPN retreat; Lesley to coordinate with a small group of trainees to pilot this for the fall.

Other business
6. Tri-council accounting policies: Annie reviewed the need to adhere strictly to current guidelines regarding expense reporting, etc. and circulated a summary of key points. McGill will be audited this year; adherence is especially critical starting now. PI’s should review these guidelines to students in each lab re: travel receipts, etc.

7. It was unanimously agreed that the new room 282, in which the meeting was held, was deficient in several respects:  poorly ventilated, too much background noise (measured at ± 65 dB by Lesley with her iPhone), poorly set up for lecturing, inappropriately furnished. This led to a more general discussion of chairs… Lesley will circulate the name of the person who knows about discarded furniture at the RVH — some of this is quite new and could be put to good use here.

Meeting adjourned at 3:10. Minutes submitted by Lesley Fellows

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lesley Fellows
lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca<mailto:lesley.fellows at mcgill.ca>

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