[BIC-announce] MEG at McGill comprehensive training program, Biomag, SfN

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Fri Aug 26 14:51:20 EDT 2016

* for diffusion, please *

Announcing the third edition of the MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Program.
A week of hands-on training experience with MEG imaging: From paradigm design to advanced data analysis.
November 7-11, 2016

Day 1: Full-day MEG/EEG imaging crash course
 Principles and foundations, resting state analysis, clinical MEG and multi-modal MEG
 Keynote: Practical Methods for Assessing Functional connectivity (speaker to be announced)
Day 2: Hands-on paradigm design: create your pilot study in small groups
Day 3: Hands-on data collection: collect your own data
Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm (including software training)
Day 5: Advanced data analysis continues and ends with group presentations: what have we learned?

Details and registration:

Other events this fall:
- October 2: Biomag satellite meeting: "From raw MEG to publication: How to perform MEG group analysis with free academic software"
- November 10: SfN conference, UChicago NeuroImaging Workshop

Hope to see you there!
MEG at McGill Team

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