[BIC-announce] Two important conferences coming up at PERFORM: PERFORM Centre Research Conference on May 19th, and PERFORM Methological Workshop in Imaging on May 20th
Christophe Grova
christophe.grova at mcgill.ca
Mon Apr 4 08:45:44 EDT 2016
Dear BIC community,
This is an email to inform you regarding two interesting conferences/workshops coming up at PERFORM, on May 19th and May 20th.
May 19th is PERFORM Centre Research Conference and on May 20th, on behalf of PERFORM imaging committee, we will have our first Methodological workshop, dedicated to introduce to statistical analysis methods for longitudinal studies in imaging.
Besides several invited speakers from Montreal and international, I d like to mention that we will have the chance to have talks from Dr. Pedro Valdes Susa from Cuba, on both days.
Hope to see many of you there
Please see below for further details and registration procedure
[Concordia University]<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=concordialogo&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
[PERFORM Centre]<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=performlogo&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
[3rd Annual PERFORM Center Research Conference]<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=pcrc&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>[1st PERFORM Methodology Workshop]<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=workshop&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
3rd Annual PERFORM Centre Research Conference<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=pcrc&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
Bioimaging for Prevention and
Health Research
Thursday May 19th, 2016
Oscar Peterson Hall
Loyola Campus
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada
Register Now<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?event=RDDDDE&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
1st PERFORM Methodological Workshop in Imaging<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=workshop&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
Longitudinal Analysis with
Neuroimaging Data
Friday May 20th, 2016
SP 110, Science Pavilion
Loyola Campus
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada
Register Now<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?event=RDDDDF&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
REMINDER: CALL FOR POSTER ABSTRACTS<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=postercall&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
For more information about the annual conference and to register, please visit our website:
For information regarding the workshop and to register, please visit the website:
For all other information, please contact
Wendy.Kunin at concordia.ca<mailto:wendy.kunin at concordia.ca>
We look forward to your participation!
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[PERFORM Centre]<https://perform.concordia.ca/email/forward.asp?target=performsignature&eml=111&sub=JL&list=A&id=2164>
Christophe Grova, PhD
Assistant Professor, Physics Dpt, Concordia University
PERFORM centre, Concordia University
Chair of PERFORM Applied Bio-Imaging Committee (ABC)
Adjunct Prof in Biomedical Engineering, and Neurology and Neurosurgery Dpt, McGill University
Multimodal Functional Imaging Lab (Multi FunkIm)
Montreal Neurological Institute - epilepsy group
Centre de Recherches en Mathématiques
Physics Dpt Concordia University - Loyola Campus - Office SP 365.12
7141 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, QC H4B 1R6
Phone: (514) 848-2424 ext.4221
email : christophe.grova at concordia.ca , christophe.grova at mcgill.ca
Explore Concordia: http://explore.concordia.ca/christophe-grova
Physics, Concordia University: http://physics.concordia.ca/facultyandresearch/bios/grova.php<https://exchange.mcgill.ca/owa/>
McGill University: http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/ResearchLabsMFIL/PeopleChristophe<https://exchange.mcgill.ca/owa/>
MultiFunkIm Lab: http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/ResearchLabsMFIL/HomePage<https://exchange.mcgill.ca/owa/>
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