[BIC-announce] Opening of Four Faculty Positions at the Montreal Neurological Institute

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Sat Jan 24 14:29:51 EST 2015

Dear All:

* For diffusion, please *

Four Assistant-Professor positions are open at the MNI for junior scientists who will focus on the MNI's priority areas, including Neuroimaging & Neuroinformatics. The review of applications will begin February 15, 2015 and will continue until positions are filled.

More details in the attached document.

Best wishes,

Sylvain Baillet, PhD

Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering
Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar
McGill University
Celebrate the BIC's 30th anniversary with us on Feb 11, 2015!
Program & (free) registration: http://mcgill.ca/bic/bic30

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