[BIC-announce] MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Program: Mar 16-20

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Wed Feb 4 15:47:22 EST 2015

* Apologies for multiple postings; for diffusion please *

Dear All:

The MEG team at the McConnell Brian Imaging Centre (MNI, McGill) is offering a unique training opportunity for staff, students and trainees Mar 16-20, 2015.

Mar 16 is a full day crash course covering:
Principles and foundations (physics, physiology, instrumentation and signal formation, neural oscillations, with special guest Prof Karim Jerbi, Psychology University of Montreal), typical paradigm designs, and a special emphasis on time series analysis and imaging (event-related responses, spectral and time-frequency decompositions, functional connectivity)

Mar 17-20 are hands-on, in small groups (3 per group, 4 groups max)
Day 2: Hands-on practical paradigm design: design your pilot study in small groups
Day 3: Hands-on data collection: collect your own data
Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm (including software training)
Day 5: Advanced data analysis continues, with group presentations and data competition (with a prize!): what have we learned?

Registration can be for the whole week (note: 12 seats only) or just for the full-day course on Mar 16. Registration deadline: Feb 20, 2015.

Detailed program in attached flyer and online:

More MEG!

Sylvain Baillet, PhD

Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering
Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar
McGill University
Celebrate the BIC's 30th anniversary with us on Feb 11, 2015!
Program & (free) registration: http://mcgill.ca/bic/bic30

MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Program

MEG imaging - a week of hands-on training experience:

from paradigm design to advanced data analysis

March 16-20, 2015


Course and training objectives

  *   ●  To introduce the foundations of MEG (and EEG) as a brain imaging technique

  *   ●  To provide background for MEG imaging methods, with an emphasis on neural

oscillations, cross-frequency coupling and their role in functional connectivity

  *   ●  To offer instruction in experimental design, data collection and advanced analysis

Training highlights

  *   ●  Individualized training for designing an experiment

  *   ●  Hands-on data collection and analysis

  *   ●  Brainstorm software training

  *   ●  Introduction to advanced analysis

  *   ●  Work in small break-out groups (3 people /group) with one-on-one assistance from experts

Registration deadline: Feb. 20th 2015

Program details:

Registration fees: McGill staff and trainees: $1,000; External to McGill: $1,200

First day only (full-day course): $50

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