From sylvain at Mon Feb 2 08:16:34 2015 From: sylvain at (Sylvain Milot) Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 08:16:34 -0500 (EST) Subject: [BIC-announce] Volunteers needed for Brain awareness week (fwd) Message-ID: ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2015 11:36:52 -0500 From: "[UTF-8] The BAW committee / Le comit? de la Semaine cerveau en t?te" To: undisclosed-recipients: ; Subject: Volunteers needed for Brain awareness week Hello, I am writing on behalf of Brain Awareness Montreal, an organization that aims to increase public awareness and interest in brain research through a variety of programs for people of all ages. We are currently recruiting volunteers for our annual Brain Awareness Week campaign for 2015. We would like to recruit students in various science departments and would like to kindly ask if you would be able to forward the below recruitment announcement as well as the attached PDF poster to students in your the faculty/ department . For more information please visit: Thank you in advance for your help. Best, Martine Volunteer Recruitment Team Recrutement des b??n??voles BAW/ CeT 2015 *Recruitment Announcement* Volunteers needed for Brain Awareness Week (BAW)! Do you love science? Do you want to share your passion with people of all ages? Join us! BAW is an annual event designed to bring neuroscience to the public. Since 1998, Montreal has participated in BAW by having graduate and undergraduate students from all four Montreal universities organize and run events during one week in March to promote public interest in neuroscience. This year???s BAW will be taking place from *March 9th to 13th*, with school presentations running until *March 20rd*. Elementary school presentations will be on the five senses and High school presentations will focus on the effects of drugs. No prior knowledge or experience necessary! You *DO NOT* have to prepare any presentations ??? we will do that for you! All you have to do is attend one training session. For school presentations you will then pick up the kit with all the information in it and go to the school to give the presentation. To participate, fill out the online form: The deadline to sign up is *February 23, 2015*. To learn more about BAW activities or for more information, please visit our website or write to BAWvolunteers at You can also find us on Facebook: Brain Awareness Montreal and Twitter: @BAMontreal .>> _______________________________________________________________ *message fran??ais * Nous cherchons des b??n??voles pour la semaine de Cerveau en T??te (CeT)! Vous aimez les sciences? Vous voulez partager votre passion avec des personnes de tout ??ge? Faites partie de notre ??quipe! La semaine de CeT est un ??v??nement annuel qui a pour but d'introduire les neurosciences au public. Depuis 1998, Montr??al a pris part ?? cet ??v??nement en int??grant des ??tudiants de premier cycle et de cycle sup??rieur, des quatre universit??s montr??alaises, pour organiser et r??aliser des activit??s ??chelonn??es sur une semaine afin de promouvoir les neurosciences au pr??t du public. Cette ann??e, la semaine de CeT se tiendra du 9 au 13 mars, avec des pr??sentations dans les ??coles qui se poursuivront jusqu'au 20 mars. Les pr??sentations dans les ??coles primaires concernent les cinq sens et dans les ??coles secondaires les effets des drogues. Aucun pr??alable n'est demand??! Vous N'AUREZ PAS ?? pr??parer les pr??sentations - nous allons le faire pour vous! Vous n'avez qu'?? vous pr??senter ?? notre formation. En ce qui a trait aux pr??sentations dans les ??coles, vous prendrez alors le mat??riel avec toutes les informations et irez directement ?? l'??cole pour la pr??sentation. Pour participer, r??pondez le formulaire en ligne: La date limite pour s'inscrire est le *23 f??vrier 2015*. Pour en savoir plus ?? propos des activit??s de Cerveau en T??te ou pour tout autres informations, visitez notre site internet: ou ??crivez-nous ?? l'adresse courriel suivante: BAWvolunteers at Vous pouvez aussi nous joindre sur Facebook: Brain Awareness Montreal et Twitter: @BAMontreal . From caramanos at Mon Feb 2 09:03:31 2015 From: caramanos at (Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS) Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2015 09:03:31 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] =?utf-8?q?=5BTODAY=5D_Feindel_Brain_Imaging_Lectur?= =?utf-8?q?e_Series_=40_The_BIC_=28Mon-Feb-02=2C_1=3A00_pm=2C_de_Gr?= =?utf-8?q?andpr=C3=A9_Communications_Centre=3B_=22Multi-Modal_Neur?= =?utf-8?q?oimaging_of_Cognitive_Aging=22_=5BDr=2E_Jason_Steffener?= =?utf-8?b?XSk=?= Message-ID: The Feindel Brain Imaging Lecture Series @ The BIC "Multi-Modal Neuroimaging of Cognitive Aging"Monday, February 2, 2015 at 1:00 pmde Grandpr? Communications Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute. *Dr. **Jason Steffener * (PERFORM Centre, Concordia University Psychology Department) ------------------------------ These lectures are named in honour of Dr. William Feindel (1918?2014), former director of the Neuro (1972?1984) and founding director of the BIC (1984?1988). Dr. Feindel?s presence and contribution will be greatly missed at our weekly Brain Imaging Lectures, where he almost always asked the final, most-germane question of the day: one that usually bridged the clinical and research realms, and that brought together the past, the present, and the future of brain science. ------------------------------ To be notified about these lectures and all the other events going on at the BIC, please join the *BIC-Announcements Mailing List* . For more information, please contact Zografos Caramanos . ------------------------------ *Winter/Spring-2015 Program*Unless specified otherwise, lectures are held on *Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpr? Communications Centre * of the Montreal Neurological Institute . * Jan**-**1**9**:* *Essentials of MEG, Part 2; ** Dr. Sylvain Baillet * (BIC Core) * Jan**-**2**6*: *An Overview of Respiratory Methods in fMRI; **Dr. Rick Hoge * (BIC Core) * Feb**-**02* *Multi-Modal Neuroimaging of Cognitive Aging; ** Dr. Jason Steffener * (PERFORM Centre, Concordia University Psychology Department) * Feb**-**09*: *Images of Molecules for Molecular Imaging**; **Dr. Alexey Kostikov *(BIC Core) * Feb**-**16*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Feb**-**23*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**02*: *No lecture; **McGill* *Study Break* * Mar**-**09*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**16*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**23*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**30*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* **Tue-Apr**-**07*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**13*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**20*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**27*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * May**-**04*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Amir Shmuel *(BIC Core) * May**-**11*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* **Tue-May-19*: *Title to be Announced; **Speakers to be Announced* * May-25*: *BIC Travel Awards Competition; **Speakers to be Announced* * Jun-01*: *Lecture? [ISMRM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-08*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Jun-15*: *Lecture? [OHBM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-22*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Jun**-**29*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kdudek at Wed Feb 4 12:06:39 2015 From: kdudek at (Krys Dudek) Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 12:06:39 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] CREATE-MIA/CIM Seminar Tues. Feb 10 at 11am: Methods to build, parameterize and validate high-resolution MRI-based computer heart models [Dr. Mihaela Pop] Message-ID: CREATE-MIA/CIM Seminar - All welcome! "Methods to build, parameterize and validate high-resolution MRI-based computer heart models" Dr. Mihaela Pop, Jr. Research Scientist - Sunnybrook Research Institute, Lecturer - Dept. Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto Location: McConnell Engineering Building, Room 437 Date: Tuesday, February 10 Time: 11:00 am Abstract This talk will be focused on methods to build histologically validated preclinical 3D computerized heart models that are personalized from MR imaging and electrical mapping. In particular, we are interested in models coupled with fast computational algorithms (clinically tractable) that can simulate the propagation of the cardiac electrical impulse in less than a few minutes and predict the inducibility of abnormal heart rhythms. We envision that these image-based models will improve the diagnosis and therapy outcome of malignant arrhythmias in patients who suffered a heart attack and developed chronic infarct scars. Biography Dr. Mihaela Pop is currently a Junior Research Scientist in the Schulich Heart Program at Sunnybrook Research Institute Toronto and a Lecturer in the Department of Medical Biophysics at the University of Toronto. Dr. Pop completed her MSc in medical biophysics at Princess Margaret Hospital & Ontario Cancer Institute (University of Toronto) working on the modelling of radio-frequency thermal ablation therapy of kidney tumours. She then completed a PhD and a post-doctoral training in medical biophysics at Sunnybrook Research Institute, University of Toronto. Her work involves a multi-disciplinary research focused on cardiac tissue characterization using MRI, optical imaging and electrical mapping, combined with mathematical modelling relevant to electrophysiology. She works with scientists in the Medical physics and Imaging stream at Sunnybrook and closely collaborates with researchers in the Asclepios project at Inria (Nice, France). Since 2010, she has been actively involved in the organization of the STACOM workshop (Statistical and computational models of the heart) held annually in conjunction with the international conference MICCAI (Medical Image computing and computer assisted interventions). _________________________________________________________ Krys (Christine) Dudek Program Administrator, NSERC CREATE Program for Medical Image Analysis Centre for Intelligent Machines 3480 University Street McConnell Engineering Building, Room 410 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7 kdudek at 514.398.6319 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sylvain.baillet at Wed Feb 4 15:47:22 2015 From: sylvain.baillet at (Sylvain Baillet, Dr) Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 20:47:22 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] MEG@McGill Comprehensive Training Program: Mar 16-20 Message-ID: * Apologies for multiple postings; for diffusion please * Dear All: The MEG team at the McConnell Brian Imaging Centre (MNI, McGill) is offering a unique training opportunity for staff, students and trainees Mar 16-20, 2015. Mar 16 is a full day crash course covering: Principles and foundations (physics, physiology, instrumentation and signal formation, neural oscillations, with special guest Prof Karim Jerbi, Psychology University of Montreal), typical paradigm designs, and a special emphasis on time series analysis and imaging (event-related responses, spectral and time-frequency decompositions, functional connectivity) Mar 17-20 are hands-on, in small groups (3 per group, 4 groups max) Day 2: Hands-on practical paradigm design: design your pilot study in small groups Day 3: Hands-on data collection: collect your own data Day 4: Hands-on analysis of collected data using Brainstorm (including software training) Day 5: Advanced data analysis continues, with group presentations and data competition (with a prize!): what have we learned? Registration can be for the whole week (note: 12 seats only) or just for the full-day course on Mar 16. Registration deadline: Feb 20, 2015. Detailed program in attached flyer and online: More MEG! Sylvain. _____________ Sylvain Baillet, PhD Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Montreal Neurological Institute MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar McGill University Celebrate the BIC's 30th anniversary with us on Feb 11, 2015! Program & (free) registration: MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Program MEG imaging - a week of hands-on training experience: from paradigm design to advanced data analysis March 16-20, 2015 [page1image4384] [page1image4664] [cid:7E837964-62BE-45EF-A40F-12507412AE2D] Course and training objectives * ? To introduce the foundations of MEG (and EEG) as a brain imaging technique * ? To provide background for MEG imaging methods, with an emphasis on neural oscillations, cross-frequency coupling and their role in functional connectivity * ? To offer instruction in experimental design, data collection and advanced analysis Training highlights * ? Individualized training for designing an experiment * ? Hands-on data collection and analysis * ? Brainstorm software training * ? Introduction to advanced analysis * ? Work in small break-out groups (3 people /group) with one-on-one assistance from experts Registration deadline: Feb. 20th 2015 Program details: Registration fees: McGill staff and trainees: $1,000; External to McGill: $1,200 First day only (full-day course): $50 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: page1image4384.png Type: image/png Size: 69602 bytes Desc: page1image4384.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: page1image4664.png Type: image/png Size: 50037 bytes Desc: page1image4664.png URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: page1image8680.png Type: image/png Size: 37266 bytes Desc: page1image8680.png URL: From alain.dagher at Thu Feb 5 20:39:12 2015 From: alain.dagher at (A. Dagher, Dr.) Date: Fri, 6 Feb 2015 01:39:12 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] Volunteer needed for EEG. Message-ID: <> ?We are looking for a volunteer ?to participate in an EEG pilot, which we plan on conducting next week (the exact timing will be determined based on you schedule). To save time for EEG preparation, we are looking at this moment for volunteers with extremely short hair. The entire experiment will last about two hours and will include a preparation stage (45 min) that will be followed by an EEG recording session (45 min.) during which you will listen to music and perform a simple computer task (the MID). The preparation stage will include the attachment of 29 EEG electrodes to your scalp; Following the recording session, you will be provided with the proper facilities to wash away the conductive gel from the hair. Since the musical materials will be selected based on your personal preferences, I will need to briefly interview you about your musical preferences at your earliest convenience. If you are interested please contact Neomi (singer.neomi at Your contribution will be greatly appreciated! We will pay you $50 for your time. Alain Dagher MD Montreal Neurological Institute 3801 University St. Montr?al QC Canada H3A 2B4 tel: (514)-398-1726 fax: (514)-398-8948 alain.dagher at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From caramanos at Thu Feb 5 21:03:37 2015 From: caramanos at (Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS) Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 21:03:37 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] =?utf-8?q?Feindel_Brain_Imaging_Lecture_Series_=40?= =?utf-8?q?_The_BIC_=28Mon-Feb-09=2C_1=3A00_pm=2C_de_Grandpr=C3=A9_?= =?utf-8?q?Communications_Centre=3B_=22Images_of_Molecules_for_Mole?= =?utf-8?q?cular_Imaging=22_=5BDr=2E_Alexey_Kostikov=5D=29?= Message-ID: The Feindel Brain Imaging Lecture Series @ The BIC "Images of Molecules for Molecular Imaging"Monday, February 9, 2015 at 1:00 pmde Grandpr? Communications Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute. *Dr. Alexey Kostikov * (BIC Core) ------------------------------ These lectures are named in honour of Dr. William Feindel (1918?2014), former director of the Neuro (1972?1984) and founding director of the BIC (1984?1988). Dr. Feindel?s presence and contribution will be greatly missed at our weekly Brain Imaging Lectures, where he almost always asked the final, most-germane question of the day: one that usually bridged the clinical and research realms, and that brought together the past, the present, and the future of brain science. ------------------------------ To be notified about these lectures and all the other events going on at the BIC, please join the *BIC-Announcements Mailing List* . For more information, please contact Zografos Caramanos . ------------------------------ *Winter/Spring-2015 Program*Unless specified otherwise, lectures are held on *Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpr? Communications Centre * of the Montreal Neurological Institute . * Jan**-**1**9**:* *Essentials of MEG, Part 2; ** Dr. Sylvain Baillet * (BIC Core) * Jan**-**2**6*: *An Overview of Respiratory Methods in fMRI**; **Dr. Rick Hoge * (BIC Core) * Feb**-**02* *Multi-Modal Neuroimaging of Cognitive Aging; ** Dr. Jason Steffener * (PERFORM Centre, Concordia University Psychology Department) * Feb**-**09*: *Images of Molecules for Molecular Imaging**; **Dr. Alexey Kostikov *(BIC Core) * Feb**-**16*: *Collectively Emotional: A Vast Limbic Network Tracks the Common Dynamics of our Musical Emotional Experiences**; **Ms. Neomi Singer * (Tel Aviv University) * Feb**-**23*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**02*: *No lecture; **McGill* *Study Break* * Mar**-**09*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar-16:** No lecture; MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Course * * Mar**-**23*: *Brain and Spinal-Cord Plasticity Associated with Motor-Sequence Learning and Consolidation**; **Dr. Shahab Vahdat (**Functional Neuroimaging Unit, **University of Montreal)* * Mar**-**30*: *BIC Infrastructure Software: LORIS, CBRAIN and More**; **Mr. Samir Das * (ACE Neuroimaging Lab) **Tue-Apr**-**07*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**13*: *Biomarker Development for the Resting State: Arterial Spin Labeling or Functional Connectivity?**; **Dr. **Najmeh Khalili-Mahani* *(ACE Neuroimaging Lab)* * Apr**-**20*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**27*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Boris Bernhardt **(McGill University)* * May**-**04*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Amir Shmuel * (BIC Core) * May**-**11*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. * *Julien Cohen-Adad * *(NeuroPoly, Polytechnique Montreal)* **Tue-May-19*: *Title to be Announced; **Speakers to be Announced* * May-25*: *BIC Travel Awards Competition; **Speakers to be Announced* * Jun-01*: *Lecture? [ISMRM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-08*: *Human Intelligence and Its Neurobiological Correlates**; **Dr. Sherif Karama *(McGill University) * Jun-15*: *Lecture? [OHBM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-22*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Jun**-**29*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From caramanos at Mon Feb 9 00:06:41 2015 From: caramanos at (Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 00:06:41 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] =?utf-8?q?=5BTODAY=5D_Feindel_Brain_Imaging_Lectur?= =?utf-8?q?e_Series_=40_The_BIC_=28Mon-Feb-09=2C_1=3A00_pm=2C_de_Gr?= =?utf-8?q?andpr=C3=A9_Communications_Centre=3B_=22Images_of_Molecu?= =?utf-8?q?les_for_Molecular_Imaging=22_=5BDr=2E_Alexey_Kostikov=5D?= =?utf-8?q?=29?= Message-ID: The Feindel Brain Imaging Lecture Series @ The BIC "Images of Molecules for Molecular Imaging"Monday, February 9, 2015 at 1:00 pmde Grandpr? Communications Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute. *Dr. Alexey Kostikov * (BIC Core) ------------------------------ These lectures are named in honour of Dr. William Feindel (1918?2014), former director of the Neuro (1972?1984) and founding director of the BIC (1984?1988). Dr. Feindel?s presence and contribution will be greatly missed at our weekly Brain Imaging Lectures, where he almost always asked the final, most-germane question of the day: one that usually bridged the clinical and research realms, and that brought together the past, the present, and the future of brain science. ------------------------------ To be notified about these lectures and all the other events going on at the BIC, please join the *BIC-Announcements Mailing List* . For more information, please contact Zografos Caramanos . ------------------------------ *Winter/Spring-2015 Program*Unless specified otherwise, lectures are held on *Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpr? Communications Centre * of the Montreal Neurological Institute . * Jan**-**1**9**:* *Essentials of MEG, Part 2; ** Dr. Sylvain Baillet * (BIC Core) * Jan**-**2**6*: *An Overview of Respiratory Methods in fMRI**; **Dr. Rick Hoge * (BIC Core) * Feb**-**02* *Multi-Modal Neuroimaging of Cognitive Aging; ** Dr. Jason Steffener * (PERFORM Centre, Concordia University Psychology Department) * Feb**-**09*: *Images of Molecules for Molecular Imaging**; **Dr. Alexey Kostikov *(BIC Core) * Feb**-**16*: *Collectively Emotional: A Vast Limbic Network Tracks the Common Dynamics of our Musical Emotional Experiences**; **Ms. Neomi Singer * (Tel Aviv University) * Feb**-**23*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**02*: *No lecture; **McGill* *Study Break* * Mar**-**09*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar-16:** No lecture; MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Course * * Mar**-**23*: *Brain and Spinal-Cord Plasticity Associated with Motor-Sequence Learning and Consolidation**; **Dr. Shahab Vahdat (**Functional Neuroimaging Unit, **University of Montreal)* * Mar**-**30*: *BIC Infrastructure Software: LORIS, CBRAIN and More**; **Mr. Samir Das * (ACE Neuroimaging Lab) **Tue-Apr**-**07*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**13*: *Biomarker Development for the Resting State: Arterial Spin Labeling or Functional Connectivity?**; **Dr. **Najmeh Khalili-Mahani* *(ACE Neuroimaging Lab)* * Apr**-**20*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**27*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Boris Bernhardt **(McGill University)* * May**-**04*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Amir Shmuel * (BIC Core) * May**-**11*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. * *Julien Cohen-Adad * *(NeuroPoly, Polytechnique Montreal)* **Tue-May-19*: *Title to be Announced; **Speakers to be Announced* * May-25*: *BIC Travel Awards Competition; **Speakers to be Announced* * Jun-01*: *Lecture? [ISMRM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-08*: *Human Intelligence and Its Neurobiological Correlates**; **Dr. Sherif Karama *(McGill University) * Jun-15*: *Lecture? [OHBM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-22*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Jun**-**29*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From vincent.gracco at Mon Feb 9 09:02:19 2015 From: vincent.gracco at (Vincent Gracco, Dr.) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 14:02:19 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] CRBLM-CIRMMT workshop--Feb 13. Message-ID: Sensorimotor integration: Embodiment in movement, music and speech 13 Feb 2015 Music Building (New) : Room A-832, 527 rue Sherbrooke Ouest Montreal Quebec Canada , H3A 1E3 Price: Free Joint workshop organized by the Centre for Interdisciplinary research in Music Media and Technology (CIRMMT) and the Centre for Research on Brain, Language and Music (CRBLM), McGill University. The workshop focuses on the importance of body movement and its concomitant processes of sensorimotor integration in music and speech. It explores a large range of movements and movement related processes, such as music instrument motor performance, postural sway, movement planning, as well as breathing, and how these affect music performance or speech production. Registration is free but required. Please register at: Program 09:30 - Coffee and Welcome 10:00 - How body motion influences linguistic structure via breathing: Evidence from spontaneous speech data. Dr. Suzanne Fuchs (Centre for General Linguistics Berlin) and Uwe Reichel, Marcus Roese, & Am?lie Rochet-Capellan 11:00 - Sensorimotor integration in speech production: Top-down influences on speech articulatory control. Nicolas Bourguignon (CRBLM, Universit? de Montr?al) 11:25 - Coffee break 11:50 - Position and breathing patterns during flute playing. Isabelle Cossette (CIRMMT), Camille Vauthrin, Benoit Fabre (UPMC) 12:15 - Body sway as singers sing together. Alexander Demos and Caroline Palmer (CIRMMT, CRBLM, McGIll University) 12:35 - Discussion 13:00 - Lunch 14:00 - Failure of motor performance in musicians: Origins and treatments. Eckart Altenmuller (Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians' Medicine, Hanover, Germany 15:00 - Neural responses to altered auditory feedback reveal future-oriented planning during music performance. Brian Mathias and Caroline Palmer (CIRMMT, CRBLM, McGill University) 15:20 - Coffee break 15:50 - Partially overlapping brain networks for singing and cello playing. Melanie Segato (CIRMMT, CRBLM, McGIll University) 16:15 - TBC, Peter Visentin, University of Lethbridge) 16:40 - Discussion and Closing Remarks 17:00 ? Reception -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sylvain.baillet at Mon Feb 9 15:39:15 2015 From: sylvain.baillet at (Sylvain Baillet, Dr) Date: Mon, 9 Feb 2015 20:39:15 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] Get ready for BIC30! Message-ID: <> Official press release wen out today (French version below) Thank you to Anita Kar from the Neuro Communication Office, for the great editing work. For those of you who could not register, please come early at the registration desk by the Jeann-Timmnins on Wed (08:30am) to be added to the waiting list. Note that your BIC30 badge gives access to lunch, dinner and party (Gallery Gora, Sherbrooke and Parc) Cheers - Sylvain. --- A unique album: 30 years of imaging the brain The Neuro?s McConnell Brain Imaging Centre reaches a milestone How does the brain grow and develop in childhood and aging? How does brain activity shape and unfold within milliseconds? How does our brain respond to objects, faces, food, and music? How is the brain affected in drug abuse, multiple sclerosis, depression? How can we better prepare for neurosurgeries? These are some of the fascinating and important questions dealing with human brain and behaviour explored at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital?s McConnell Brain Imaging Centre (BIC). The BIC is the site of the most diverse, sophisticated, and cutting-edge brain imaging technology currently available. It is a world-class research and training centre, home to more than 150 staff and students. Importantly, the BIC is also a major service platform for 120 investigators and their trainees across Montreal. Over the past 30 years, the BIC?s international influence in research and training has helped revolutionize how scientists explore the nervous system and behaviour, in health and disease. The BIC is celebrating its 30th anniversary on February 11 with a day-long event that looks at the past and next three decades of producing a wide palette of neuro-images, and significantly advancing our knowledge of brain function and neurological disease. As part of the event, four former BIC directors will relate how the Centre has developed an ever-increasing capability to peer inside the brain. BIC scientists produced Canada?s first PET scans, first MR images and first CT scans. Today, the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre produces large volumes of data and analysis methods that are shared with hundreds of scientists and clinical partners in Montreal and Canada, and with many thousands of users around the world. A panel of BIC scientists will highlight how these images are used in research and medical treatment. An international panel will also look at cutting-edge brain-imaging research taking place today that will determine the shape of things to come. Dr. David van Essen of Washington University, St. Louis, will talk about the Human Connectome Project, which is mapping anatomical and functional connectivity in the brain. Dr. Henry Markram of the Ecole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne, Switzerland, will discuss the Human Brain Project, which is constructing a computer simulation of the brain. Dr. Robert Zatorre, James McGill Professor of neuroscience at The Neuro, will discuss how music influences our brain. 30 Years of Neuroimaging at the BIC The celebration event is free and open to the public. (SOLD OUT) When: Feb. 11, 9:00 a.m. to 6 p.m. Where: Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, 3801 University Street, Montreal The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital ? The Neuro The Neuro is an academic medical centre dedicated to neuroscience. As a research and teaching institute of McGill University, The Neuro is at the centre of the neuroscience mission of the McGill University Health Centre. The eminent neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield founded The Neuro in 1934. Since then, The Neuro has achieved international renown for its integration of research, outstanding patient care and advanced training. The Neuro has a world-class staff in cellular and molecular neuroscience, brain imaging, cognitive neuroscience, as well as in the study and treatment of epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and neuromuscular disorders. For more information, please visit --- Un album exceptionnel d?images du cerveau News PUBLI?: 9F?V2015 Les 30 ans du Centre d?imagerie c?r?brale McConnell du Neuro Comment le cerveau se d?veloppe-t-il et ?volue-t-il ? partir de l?enfance, puis tout au long de la vie? Comment l?activit? c?r?brale prend-elle forme et s?organise-t-elle en quelques millisecondes? Comment notre cerveau r?agit-il aux stimulations quotidiennes, aux visages, aux aliments et ? la musique? Comment le cerveau est-il affect? par les d?pendances, l??pilepsie, la scl?rose en plaques, la d?pression? Comment pr?parer au mieux et pr?dire le succ?s d?une op?ration neurochirurgicale? Ce sont quelques-uns des d?fis fascinants relev?s par le Centre d?imagerie c?r?brale McConnell de l?Institut et h?pital neurologiques de Montr?al. Le Centre abrite les techniques d?imagerie c?r?brale les plus perfectionn?es actuellement disponibles. C?est un acteur central en mati?re de recherche et de formation, reconnu mondialement, avec plus de 150 chercheurs, personnels hautement qualifi?s et ?tudiants. Le Centre McConnell est ?galement une plateforme de service pour plus de 120 chercheurs et leurs ?tudiants ? Montr?al. Depuis 30 ans, l?influence internationale du Centre en mati?re de recherche et formation a contribu? ? r?volutionner les techniques d?exploration du syst?me nerveux, en lien avec le comportement, pour des milliers d??tudes de recherche fondamentale et clinique. Le 30e anniversaire du Centre McConnell sera marqu? le 11 f?vrier par un ?v?nement exceptionnel pour c?l?brer et anticiper les trois derni?res et trois prochaines d?cennies de recherche et d?couvertes en neuroimagerie et neurosciences, avec un int?r?t tout particulier pour le combat contre les maladies neurologiques les plus diverses. Quatre anciens directeurs du Centre se rem?moreront les contributions majeures du Centre McConnell et partageront leurs souhaits pour le futur. Rappelons que les toutes premi?res images par imagerie nucl?aire TEP, mais aussi en r?sonance magn?tique et en tomodensitom?trie au Canada, aujourd?hui si communes dans les h?pitaux, ont toutes ?t? obtenues au Centre McConnell. Aujourd?hui, le Centre McConnell g?n?re des volumes consid?rables de donn?es et des m?thodes d?analyse partag?es avec des centaines de chercheurs et de partenaires ? Montr?al et au Canada, et des milliers d?autres utilisateurs aux quatre coins du monde. ? l?occasion de cette journ?e, les chercheurs du Centre McConnell partageront avec le public leurs activit?s de recherche actuelles. Un panel d?experts internationaux abordera ?galement la recherche de pointe qui fa?onne aujourd?hui l?imagerie c?r?brale. Le docteur David van Essen de l'Universit? Washington de Saint-Louis parlera du Human Connectome Project, qui cartographie la connectivit? anatomo-fonctionnelle dans le cerveau sur plus de 1200 individus. Le docteur Henry Markram de l??cole Polytechnique F?d?rale de Lausanne, en Suisse, discutera du Human Brain Project de l?Union Europ?enne, qui d?veloppe une simulation sur tr?s grands ordinateurs du fonctionnement c?r?bral. Le docteur Robert Zatorre, Professeur James-McGill en sciences de la cognition au Neuro, traitera de l?influence de la musique dans nos ? vies c?r?brales ?. 30 ans d?imagerie c?r?brale au Centre McConnell L??v?nement est gratuit et public. (COMPLET) Date : 11 f?vrier, de 9 h 00 ? 18 h Endroit : Amphith??tre Jeanne-Timmins, Institut et h?pital neurologiques de Montr?al, 3801, rue University, Montr?al L?Institut et h?pital neurologiques de Montr?al ? le Neuro Le Neuro est un centre m?dical universitaire qui se consacre aux neurosciences. ? la fois institut de recherche et d?enseignement de l?Universit? McGill, le Neuro constitue l?assise de la mission en neurosciences du Centre universitaire de sant? McGill. Fond? en 1934 par l??minent neurochirurgien Wilder Penfield, le Neuro a acquis une renomm?e internationale pour son int?gration de la recherche, de ses soins exceptionnels aux patients et de sa formation sp?cialis?e. Les chercheurs du Neuro sont des chefs de file reconnus mondialement pour leur expertise en neurosciences cellulaire et mol?culaire, en imagerie du cerveau, en neurosciences cognitives, ainsi que dans l??tude et le traitement de l??pilepsie, de la scl?rose en plaques et de troubles neuromusculaires. Pour tout renseignement, veuillez consulter -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From caramanos at Mon Feb 16 09:38:40 2015 From: caramanos at (Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS) Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 09:38:40 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] =?utf-8?q?=5BTODAY=5D_Feindel_Brain_Imaging_Lectur?= =?utf-8?q?e_Series_=40_The_BIC_=28Mon-Feb-16=2C_1=3A00_pm=2C_de_Gr?= =?utf-8?q?andpr=C3=A9_Communications_Centre=3B_=22Collectively_Emo?= =?utf-8?q?tional=3A_A_Vast_Limbic_Network_Tracks_the_Common_Dynami?= =?utf-8?q?cs_of_our_Musical_Emotional_Experiences=22_=5BMs=2E_Neom?= =?utf-8?q?i_Singer=5D=29?= Message-ID: The Feindel Brain Imaging Lecture Series @ The BIC "Collectively Emotional: A Vast Limbic Network Tracks the Common Dynamics of our Musical Emotional Experiences"Monday, February 16, 2015 at 1:00 pmde Grandpr? Communications Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute. [image: Neomi S.] *Ms. Neomi Singer * (Tel Aviv University) ------------------------------ These lectures are named in honour of Dr. William Feindel (1918?2014), former director of the Neuro (1972?1984) and founding director of the BIC (1984?1988). Dr. Feindel?s presence and contribution will be greatly missed at our weekly Brain Imaging Lectures, where he almost always asked the final, most-germane question of the day: one that usually bridged the clinical and research realms, and that brought together the past, the present, and the future of brain science. ------------------------------ To be notified about these lectures and all the other events going on at the BIC, please join the *BIC-Announcements Mailing List* . For more information, please contact Zografos Caramanos . ------------------------------ *Winter/Spring-2015 Program*Unless specified otherwise, lectures are held on *Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpr? Communications Centre * of the Montreal Neurological Institute . * Jan**-**1**9**:* *Essentials of MEG, Part 2; ** Dr. Sylvain Baillet * (BIC Core) * Jan**-**2**6*: *An Overview of Respiratory Methods in fMRI**; **Dr. Rick Hoge * (BIC Core) * Feb**-**02* *Multi-Modal Neuroimaging of Cognitive Aging; ** Dr. Jason Steffener * (PERFORM Centre, Concordia University Psychology Department) * Feb**-**09*: *Images of Molecules for Molecular Imaging**; **Dr. Alexey Kostikov *(BIC Core) * Feb**-**16*: *Collectively Emotional: A Vast Limbic Network Tracks the Common Dynamics of our Musical Emotional Experiences**; **Ms. Neomi Singer * (Tel Aviv University) * Feb**-**23*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar**-**02*: *No lecture; **McGill* *Study Break* * Mar**-**09*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Mar-16:** No lecture; MEG at McGill Comprehensive Training Course * * Mar**-**23*: *Brain and Spinal-Cord Plasticity Associated with Motor-Sequence Learning and Consolidation**; **Dr. Shahab Vahdat (**Functional Neuroimaging Unit, **University of Montreal)* * Mar**-**30*: *BIC Infrastructure Software: LORIS, CBRAIN and More**; **Mr. Samir Das * (ACE Neuroimaging Lab) **Tue-Apr**-**07*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Jorge Armony **(McGill University)* * Apr**-**13*: *Biomarker Development for the Resting State: Arterial Spin Labeling or Functional Connectivity?**; **Dr. **Najmeh Khalili-Mahani* *(ACE Neuroimaging Lab)* * Apr**-**20*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Apr**-**27*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Boris Bernhardt **(McGill University)* * May**-**04*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. Amir Shmuel * (BIC Core) * May**-**11*: *Title to be Announced; **Dr. * *Julien Cohen-Adad * *(NeuroPoly, Polytechnique Montreal)* **Tue-May-19*: *Title to be Announced; **Speakers to be Announced* * May-25*: *BIC Travel Awards Competition; **Speakers to be Announced* * Jun-01*: *Lecture? [ISMRM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-08*: *Human Intelligence and Its Neurobiological Correlates**; **Dr. Sherif Karama *(McGill University) * Jun-15*: *Lecture? [OHBM ]; **Details to be Announced* * Jun-22*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* * Jun**-**29*: *Title to be Announced; **Speaker to be Announced* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sylvain.baillet at Mon Feb 16 10:50:11 2015 From: sylvain.baillet at (Sylvain Baillet, Dr) Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 15:50:11 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] Special BIC conference: Prof Stanislas Dehaene; Thurs Feb 19 @ 11am, MNI Message-ID: * For diffusion please* SPECIAL CONFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENT: Thursday, February 19 @ 11 am Hosted by the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, in coordination with UQAM Coeur des Sciences. Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre, MNI "The Multiple Effects of Literacy on the Brain" Prof Stanislas Dehaene Chair, Experimental Cognitive Psychology, Coll?ge de France, Paris Director, Cognitive NeuroImaging Unit (Inserm-CEA), NeuroSpin Stanislas Dehaene received his training in mathematics at the ?cole Normale Sup?rieure in Paris, then completed a PhD in cognitive psychology with Jacques Mehler, post-doctoral studies with Michael Posner, as well as neuronal modelling studies with Jean-Pierre Changeux. He has been working since 1997 Neuroimaging Units of the Commissariat ? l'?nergie Atomique (Orsay and Neurospin), where he now directs the Cognitive Neuroimaging Unit since 2001. In September 2005 he was elected as a full professor on the newly created chair of Experimental Cognitive Psychology at the Coll?ge de France in Paris. He is also a Member of the French Academy of Sciences. Stanislas Dehaene's interests concern the cerebral bases of specifically human cognitive functions such as language, calculation, and reasoning. The team uses a variety of experimental methods, including mental chronometry in normal subjects, cognitive analyses of brain-lesioned patients, and brain-imaging studies with positron emission tomography, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and high-density recordings of event-related potentials. Formal models of minimal neuronal networks are also devised and simulated in an attempt to throw some links between molecular, physiological, imaging, and behavioral data. Stanislas Dehaene's main scientific contributions include the study of the organization of the cerebral system for number processing. Using converging evidence from PET, EEG/MEG, fMRI, and brain lesions, Stanislas Dehaene demonstrated the central role played by a region of the intraparietal sulcus in understanding quantities and arithmetic (the number sense). He was also the first to demonstrate that subliminal presentations of words can yield detectable cortical activations in fMRI, and has used these data to support an original theory of conscious and nonconscious processing in the human brain. With neurologist Laurent Cohen, he also studied the neural networks of reading and demonstrated the crucial role of the left occipito-temporal region in word recognition (the visual word form area). Stanislas Dehaene is the author of over 100 scientific publications in major international journals. He has received several international prizes including the McDonnell Centennial Fellowship and the Louis D. prize of the French Academy of Sciences (with D. Lebihan). He has published an acclaimed book (The Number Sense), which has been translated in eight languages. He has also edited three books on brain imaging, consciousness, and brain evolution, and has authored two general-audience films on the human brain. He is the associate editor of Cognition, an international journal of Cognitive Science. [cid:72939127-0D04-4719-909A-CF9D50F9E5C7] Sylvain. _____________ Sylvain Baillet, PhD Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Montreal Neurological Institute MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar McGill University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Stan Dehaene.jpeg Type: image/jpeg Size: 63749 bytes Desc: Stan Dehaene.jpeg URL: From sylvain.baillet at Mon Feb 16 14:30:41 2015 From: sylvain.baillet at (Sylvain Baillet, Dr) Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 19:30:41 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] Matlab webinar about MEG and EEG signal analysis (Brainstorm) Message-ID: Dear all: The Mathworks (Matlab's company) has selected Brainstorm (produced at the BIC) as a special application for MEG and EEG analysis, to be featured in a dedicated, 1-hour long online webinar. The session will go live on your browser March 27 (09:00am with a repeat at 2:00pm EDT). It is a free event, but registration is mandatory. Please sign up here and enjoy: Best wishes, Sylvain. _____________ Sylvain Baillet, PhD Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Montreal Neurological Institute MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar McGill University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sylvain.baillet at Tue Feb 17 11:55:38 2015 From: sylvain.baillet at (Sylvain Baillet, Dr) Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 16:55:38 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] =?windows-1252?q?BIC=27s_Silvain_B=E9riault=3A_BME?= =?windows-1252?q?_2014_Geddes_awardee?= References: <> Message-ID: On behalf of the BIC community, my very sincere congrats to Silvain B?riault for receiving the Geddes award for an outstanding PhD thesis, from the BME Dept. Please see below. Silvain is a grad student at the BIC in the MRI group; his work has been supervised by Bruce Pike. Well-done Silvain! (whatever happened to the 'y' ;) ) Sylvain. _____________ Sylvain Baillet, PhD Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Montreal Neurological Institute MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar McGill University Begin forwarded message: From: "Maryam Tabrizian, Prof." > Subject: BME 2014 Geddes awardee Date: February 17, 2015 8:21:20 AM EST To: <217L-BME_ACADEMICS_AND_STUDENTS at LISTS.MCGILL.CA> Dear BME department members and students: On behalf of Dr. Kearney and the departmental scholarship and awards committee, I am pleased to share with you the name of our 2014 Geddes awardee. The Geddes award is given for an outstanding PhD thesis and is valued at $1000. 2014 Leslie A. Geddes Award: B?RIAULT/ Silvain Dr. Silvain B?riault received the award for his PhD thesis in Biomedical Engineering entitled "Computer-assisted Neuronavigation for Deep Brain Stimulation using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging". This thesis describes a novel computer-assisted method for planning deep brain stimulation surgery. This study demonstrates the high aggregative power of the automatic algorithm for simultaneously optimizing multiple surgical constraints and evaluates feasibility of the computed trajectories based on neurosurgeons? feedback. The finding of this thesis will have great impact in treating patients with neurological problems. Maryam Tabrizian Chair of BME Scholarship and Award Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sylvain.baillet at Wed Feb 18 11:28:35 2015 From: sylvain.baillet at (Sylvain Baillet, Dr) Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 16:28:35 +0000 Subject: [BIC-announce] BIC30 t-shirts on sale! Message-ID: The attached ad says it all. Where to find Stacey: reception desk, by the MRI suite. Cheers, Sylvain. _____________ Sylvain Baillet, PhD Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre Montreal Neurological Institute MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar McGill University [cid:85A4266A-3197-4760-AF16-21FE0E15C4DC] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: BIC30 tshirts.jpeg Type: image/jpg Size: 71548 bytes Desc: BIC30 tshirts.jpeg URL: From kdudek at Thu Feb 19 10:31:57 2015 From: kdudek at (Krys Dudek) Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2015 10:31:57 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] CREATE-MIA Seminars: Friday, February 20 Message-ID: <> CREATE-MIA Seminars - All welcome! _________________________________________________________ ?Deep Brain Stimulation of the Basal Ganglia and Thalamus Used to Improve Movement in Parkinson?s Disease" Abbas F. Sadikot, MD, PhD, W.V. Cone Laboratory, Professor Department of Neurology & Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill Location: McConnell Engineering Building, Room 437 Date: Friday, February 20, 2015 Time: 2:00 pm _________________________________________________________ ?Intrinsic brain networks and their role in neurodegenerative disease" Alain Dagher, MD, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill Location: McConnell Engineering Building, Room 437 Date: Friday, February 20, 2015 Time: 3:00 pm Abstract The talk will cover two recent exciting discoveries in neuroscience: (1) the imaging of intrinsic brain networks (2) evidence that neurodegenerative processes target these networks, which may act as conduits for the transneuronal spread of disease-causing misfolded proteins. Human functional brain imaging has shown that the brain is organized in large-scale networks. These have been identified mainly from resting state functional MRI (rsfMRI) and diffusion tractography (DTI), but also using structural covariance MRI data, MEG, PET and EEG. Intrinsic brain networks consist of usually spatially distinct brain regions that are heavily interconnected and tend to show correlated activity (as measured by fMRI); they are very reproducibly detected, underpin specific brain functions, and allow for efficient parallel and fault-tolerant processing. More recently, the use of graph theory for the analysis of MRI data has yielded specific insights into the organization of these networks. Graph theory is the mathematical framework for analyzing graphs, defined by a set of nodes and edges. Several interesting properties of graphs can be computed to yield insights into the normal organization of the brain, and into mechanisms of neurodegeneration. Second, recent evidence suggests that some neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer?s and Parkinson?s Disease, may involve prion-like spreading of misfolded proteins via neuronal projections. These proteins (tau, beta-amyloid, alpha-synuclein) are thought to cause further protein misfolding, and disease propagation via intrinsic brain networks. We will review brain imaging evidence supporting this network spread hypothesis. _________________________________________________________ Krys (Christine) Dudek Program Administrator, NSERC CREATE Program for Medical Image Analysis Centre for Intelligent Machines 3480 University Street McConnell Engineering Building, Room 410 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2A7 kdudek at 514.398.6319 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From claudine.gauthier at Sun Feb 22 16:48:56 2015 From: claudine.gauthier at (Claudine Gauthier) Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2015 16:48:56 -0500 Subject: [BIC-announce] Student recruitment Message-ID: Dear all, I am currently recruiting MSc and PhD students to work on MRI of brain physiology, aging and the impact of lifestyle on cerebral health. For more details, see attached announcement. Best regards, Claudine Gauthier Assistant Professor Physics Department PERFORM Centre Concordia University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Student recruitment-MSc-PhD.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 36733 bytes Desc: not available URL: From sylvain at Thu Feb 26 17:00:42 2015 From: sylvain at (Sylvain Milot) Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2015 17:00:42 -0500 (EST) Subject: [BIC-announce] [MATLAB Webinars] Upcoming Academic Sessions (fwd) Message-ID: For those interested ... also note the Brainstorm webinar that Dr Baillet spoke about recently ... ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: 26 Feb 2015 09:07:15 -0500 From: Aimee Somelofske Reply-To: Webinars To: sylvain.milot at Subject: [MATLAB Webinars] Upcoming Academic Sessions To view this email as a web page, click here . "MATLAB and Simulink Webinars for Academia" Upcoming Webinars FEB 27 LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Programming Using Simulink ??Sign Up Free MAR 13 Mobile Robot Simulation for Collision Avoidance with Simulink ??Sign Up Free MAR 19 Machine Learning Made Easy ??Sign Up Free MAR 27 Brainstorm: Imaging Neural Activity at the Speed of Brain with MATLAB ??Sign Up Free "Recorded Webinars" Can't Attend? Recordings of these webinars will be posted within a week of the live session. You can view these recorded webinars and many others, for free at . "Discover MAKERZONE" MATLAB and Simulink resources for Arduino, LEGO and Raspberry Pi. ??Learn More "Spotlight On:" Spotlight On: MATLAB Courseware Download free courseware for Optimization Models and Applications from the University of California, Berkeley. "MATLAB Courseware" This course for fourth-year students offers an introduction to optimization models, with emphasis on numerically tractable problems. ?? Learn More Resource Center MATLAB Courseware: Download lecture materials ?? Step-by-Step Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink: Watch video ?? MATLAB and Simulink Campus-wide License: Check for license ?? Free Product Trial: Request a free 30-day trial of MATLAB ?? Contact Sales Peter Sheridan MathWorks peter.sheridan at 508-647-7176 "MathWorks" ?? 2015 The MathWorks, Inc. MATLAB and Simulink are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc. See a list of additional trademarks . Other product or brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. You are subscribed as sylvain.milot at Manage your email preferences or unsubscribe from our commercial email promotions. View our privacy policy . The MathWorks, Inc. - 3 Apple Hill Drive, Natick, MA 01760 - 508-647-7000