[BIC-announce] Upcoming seminars and lectures

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Tue Apr 7 09:49:55 EDT 2015

Hi everyone:

Quite a few opportunities for more lectures of special interest to our community today and later this month:

- Today: Dr. Jorge Armony (Douglas):  "No Time To Waste! Fast BOLD Acquisition Using Multiband fMRI and fNIRS" 1:00 pm; de Grandpré

- Today:  Dr. Jonathan Smallwood (York Neuroimaging Centre) "Escaping the Here and Now:  A Neurocognitive Investigation of Self-Generated Thought" 4pm; Killam Lecture @ the de Grandpré

- April 21 @ Douglas: Dr Randy McIntosh (see attached flyer)



Sylvain Baillet, PhD

Professor, Neurology, Neurosurgery & Biomedical Engineering
Acting Director, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
MNI Killam and FRQS Senior Scholar
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

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