[BIC-announce] Reminder - Open General Assembly, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre. Sept 29 @ 1pm

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Fri Sep 26 10:41:43 EDT 2014

Dear All:

This a gentle reminder that you are all invited to attend the BIC's General Assembly: 

- Monday, Sept 29 @ 1pm
- NEW VENUE: Jeanne-Timmins Auditorium (MNI) 

The purpose is to review the past 12 months together, update everyone on new faces, budget and services, and look forward to new projects coming ahead. We also want to receive feedback and suggestions from everyone re: training, platform services, research and practical matters. Topics include:

- budget update
- new and future faculty recruitments
- renovations and extensions
- new Neuroimaging & Neuroinformatics group at the MNI
- major grant applications submitted 
- BIC lectures (program, taping, archiving)  and new mini hands-on training series 
- art competition
- new web site
- coffee travel awards 
- ...

Please take a moment to fill a quick survey on the BIC lecture series by tonight: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LCN5D78   
Make sure you are registered to the bic-announce mailing list to stay on top of what's happening at our Centre (http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/mailman/listinfo/bic-announce).

Heads-up - we need volunteers to fill the following positions:
- Travel Award Coordinator (aka Coffee Master)
- Monday Coffee Breaks: organize supply around BIC lectures. Ideally two sociable students/trainees who will encourage their labmates to attend and can share the work load between them
- BIC Promo team (aggressive and agreeable, to develop a line of events and merchandise to promote and raise mini-funds for our activities)    

See you all Monday and have a great week-end,


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