[BIC-announce] Volunteer recruitment Brain awareness Montreal (fwd)

Sylvain Milot sylvain at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Sun Sep 14 23:16:16 EDT 2014

Subject: Volunteer recruitment Brain awareness Montreal

Could you please forward this email to the students in your department



French below

Hello everyone,

Our teams have already started to plan BAW 2015! Many committees still need
help,so if you are interested in organizing the high school presentations
(both English & French), recruiting volunteers, organizing scientific cafés,
helping out with the Eureka festival, or being part of our promotion or
fundraising team, join us!

We will be having information sessions on the McGill and Montréal
University campuses in the next week (check our Facebook page for dates,
times, and places).

If you are unable to make it, but are interested, email us at
bawvolunteers at gmail.com for more information and the volunteer sign-up
form. You can also find us at:

Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/BrainAwarenessMontreal,

or our website: www.brainawarenessmontreal.com.


Bonjour à tous,

nos équipes ont déjà commencé la préparation de l'édition 2015 de Cerveau en
tête. Nous avons besoin d'aide dans plusieurs comités, donc si vous
êtes intéressés
par le recrutement des bénévoles, la comité des écoles secondaires
(francophones et anglophones), le comité Euréka ou encore faire la
promotion de CeTM, joignez-vous à nous!

Si vous avez des questions, il y aura des rencontres d'information sur
le campus
de l’UdeM et de McGill la semaine prochaine (surveillez notre page Facebook
pour les dates)

Contactez-nous pour recevoir le formulaire d'inscription:
bawvolunteers at gmail.com

Volunteer Recruitment Team
BAW/ CeT 2015


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