[BIC-announce] Helpers Needed: Computer Skills Workshops

melanie segado melanie.segado at gmail.com
Mon Nov 17 15:11:46 EST 2014

Dear BIC Users,

I need volunteers to help with the upcoming computer skills workshops!

Introduction to Linux <http://introductiontolinux.eventbrite.ca> on Monday,
November 24th (4-5pm or 5-6pm)
Introduction to Programming <http://introductiontoprogramming.eventbrite.ca>
on Monday, December 1st (4-5pm or 5-6pm)

As a helper, you will assist workshop attendees with activities, help
trouble shoot technical issues, hand out activity sheets,  and take

I need 2-3 volunteers per session, so if you can volunteer for one (or
more!) of the sessions please let me know as soon as possible at
melanie.segado at mail.mcgill.ca

Thank you!
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