[BIC-announce] Fwd: McBIC'd -- It's Movember 23rd and we are now entering the homestretch!

Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS caramanos at gmail.com
Fri Nov 29 13:55:00 EST 2013

Hello again!

It's November 29th and just a few more days of
Movember<http://ca.movember.com/about/vision-goals> remain.
 A few days to grow a 'stache, have some fun (and/or be laughed at), and,
hopefully, have an everlasting impact on men's health by raising money and
awareness regarding research and care related to testicular and prostate
cancer, as well as issues regarding men's mental health.  Since 2003, it's
gone from 30 moustachioed men from Melbourne Australia to over a million
Mo-Bros and Mo-Sistas from all over the world who have raised almost 150
million dollars!  [See
a charming TED talk by one
of the original Mo-Bros, moustache-farmer Adam Garone, about how Movember
started and how far it has come.]

This year McBIC'd <http://ca.movember.com/team/1346737> is 5 BIC-Unit
moustaches strong (see below) and, so far, we have raised over $1500.
Please help us reach and, hopefully, surpass last year's total of
$1747!  Donations
to the Movember Foundation can be made online  by visiting our team page (
http://ca.movember.com/team/1346737) or by cash/cheque; donations can be
given to the whole team (or to individual members, see below), and tax
receipts will be issued.

If you are interested, the Movember website
<http://ca.movember.com/?home>is an excellent resource for information
on men's
health issues <http://ca.movember.com/mens-health>, and the
programs<http://ca.movember.com/programs>that the money we are helping
to raise goes to fund.

Finally, see here<http://www.ted.com/talks/kevin_breel_confessions_of_a_depressed_comic.html>
a touching TED talk by young comedian Kevin Breel about what it is like to
suffer from depression.

Thank you for your support, and please spread the word!

Team McBIC'd <https://www.movember.com/ca/donate/payment/team_id/1346737>

 Aki CARAMANOS <http://ca.movember.com/mospace/3780225/>

AVERY BERMAN <http://ca.movember.com/mospace/2379826/>

DAVE MACFARLANE <http://ca.movember.com/mospace/984774/>

YASHAR ZEIGHAMI <http://ca.movember.com/mospace/8425265/>

ZIA MOHADES <http://ca.movember.com/mospace/7990889/>

Zografos Caramanos, M.A.

Research Assistant, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Unit
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Program in Neuroscience

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
(phone) 514-299-8160;  (fax) 514-398-2975
(e-mail) zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca
(web)  Google-scholar<http://scholar.google.ca/citations?sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=BcVBulQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works>
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