[BIC-announce] [TODAY] BIC Lecture Series (Mon-June-17, 1:00 pm, de Grandpré Communications Centre; Ms. Jennifer Goldman -- "Elucidating Consciousness with the Light of Philosophy, Biology, and Physics")
Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS
caramanos at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 09:45:35 EDT 2013
*BIC Lecture Series*
The BIC Lecture
informal lectures on brain imaging presented at the McConnell Brain Imaging
Centre <http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/Main/HomePage> (*BIC*) by experts in
the field. These lectures are open to all.
Please join us for our next BIC Lecture, which will be held in The Neuro's de
Grandpré Communications
University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B4)* *on *Monday, June the 17th,
starting at 1:00 pm**.*
*At that time, **Ms. Jennifer Goldman will discuss the possibility of
elucidating consciousness with the light of philosophy, biology, and
physics(see abstract below).
*This will be a preview of some of what she will be debating, along with
John Searle, against Christof Koch and Giulio Tononi at the upcoming
meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of
*Elucidating Consciousness with the Light of Philosophy, Biology, and
*Jennifer Goldman*
While consciousness has been the subject of speculation for as long as
humans have been aware of their subjective states of awareness, it is only
recently that philosophy, biology, and physics have achieved sufficient
sophistication to begin to explain the neural substrates of consciousness.
In this talk, I will explore the utility of recently proposed philosophical
properties and hypotheses of consciousness. I will next examine anatomical
and functional Neural Correlates of Consciousness (NCCs) derived using
contrastive methods, with the proposal that these NCCs be scrutinized for
necessity and sufficiency for conscious experience. Here, I will also
address potential confounds in the study of consciousness, based on the
plasticity, degeneracy, and heterophenomenology of conscious experience
from a neurobiological standpoint. I will conclude with an attempt to
consolidate neurobiologically- and philosophically-based models of
consciousness in light of the physical properties of neural networks to try
to begin explaining how the brain generates a unified subjective experience
with an extraordinary richness of potentially conscious content. I intend
for this to be an interdisciplinary symposium and invite questions and
debate throughout.
*BIC Lecture Series: Winter-2013 Program
**BIC Lectures are typically held on Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpré
Communications Centre of The Neuro.
**For more information and links to the presentations as they become
available, please visit the BIC Lecture
01) Feb-11: *Nature versus Nurture: Contributions Towards Healthy
Cognition from Childhood to Senescence in Mice and Humans* -- Dr. Veronique
Bohbot <http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/veronique-bohbot?locale=en>
02) Feb-18: *Functional Brain Plasticity Induced by Musical Training* -- Dr.
Sibylle Herholz<http://www.uni-muenster.de/OCCMuenster/phd-students/sibylle-herholz.html>
03) Feb-25: *Optimization of the PET Detector Blocks for a Small-Animal
PET Scanning Insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI* -- Dr. Chris
04) Mar-01: *Lactate Links Brain Energy Metabolism to Cerebral Blood Flow*
-- Dr. Albert Gjedde<http://www.bric.ku.dk/staff_dynamic/staff/description/?id=52543&f=2>
05) Mar-04: *Multi-Manifold Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Cortical
Registration: Applications in Structural and Functional Studies of the Brain
* -- Dr. <http://koskilab.mcgill.ca/people.html#JZ>Jidan
06) Mar-11: *Auditory-Motor Control of Singing* -- Dr.
Mary Zarate <https://files.nyu.edu/jmz2039/public/>
07) Mar-18: *The Brain on TED* -- Mr. Benjamin
08) Mar-25: *Glimpses Into Consciousness From the Ways We Lose It* -- Dr.
George Kostopoulos<http://physiology.med.upatras.gr/NU/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&catid=6&Itemid=16>
---) Apr-01: *No Lecture: Easter Monday*
09) Apr-08: *The Brain on TED, 2* -- Mr. Benjamin
---) Apr-15: *No Lecture: Neuropsychology Day*
---) Apr-22: *No Lecture: ISMRM Conference*
---) Apr-29: *No Lecture*
10) May-06: *PET Imaging: Recent Research Highlights in Reconstruction
and Analysis* -- Dr. Andrew
11) Wed-May-08_4pm: *Statistical Detection and Reproducibility Issues in
Brain Imaging Genetics Methods* -- Dr.
12) May-13: *Impaired Structural Correlates of Memory in a Mouse Model of
Alzheimer’s Disease* -- Dr. Aman Badhwar
---) May-20: *No Lecture: Victoria Day*
13) May-27: *Brain Fuel Metabolism in Aging and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease:
Comparison of 18F-FDG with a Novel PET Ketone tracer -- 11C-Acetoacetate*
-- Dr. Stephen
---) Jun-03: *No Lecture*
---) Jun-10: *No Lecture*
14) Jun-17: *Elucidating Consciousness with the Light of Philosophy,
Biology, and Physics -- *Ms. Jennifer Goldman
15) Tue-Jun-25: *Diffusion-Weighted MRI: A Non-BOLD Contrast for Functional
Brain Imaging* -- Ms. Rebecca Williams
Zografos Caramanos, M.A.
Research Assistant, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Unit
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Program in Neuroscience
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
(phone) 514-299-8160; (fax) 514-398-2975
(e-mail) zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca<https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&tf=1&to=zografos.caramanos@mcgill.ca>
(web) Google-scholar<http://scholar.google.ca/citations?sortby=pubdate&hl=en&user=BcVBulQAAAAJ&view_op=list_works>
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