[BIC-announce] FW: Volunteers needed for Brain Awareness Week (fwd)

Scsd scsd at mcgill.ca
Tue Feb 5 08:05:43 EST 2013

Hello everyone,

-----Original Message-----
From: bic-announce-bounces at bic.mni.mcgill.ca [mailto:bic-announce-bounces at bic.mni.mcgill.ca] On Behalf Of Sylvain Milot
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 8:01 AM
To: bic-announce at bic.mni.mcgill.ca
Cc: bawvolunteers at gmail.com
Subject: [BIC-announce] Volunteers needed for Brain Awareness Week (fwd)

Could you please forward this message to the students of your department please also put bawvolunteers at gmail.com in Cc

thank you

volunteer recruitment
BAM 2013


Volunteers needed for Brain Awareness Week!

Do you love science? Do you want to share your passion with kids?

Join us!

BAW is an annual event designed to bring neuroscience to kids. Since 1998, Montreal has participated in BAW by having graduate and undergraduate students from all four Montreal universities give presentations at elementary and secondary schools all over the city.

This year’s BAW will be taking place from March 11th to 17th. Many schools have registered for our presentations and we are currently calling on all students and post-docs to volunteer their time to support this great event.

You DO NOT have to prepare the presentation – we will do that for you! All you have to do is attend one training session, then pick up the kit with all the information in it and go to the school to give the presentation.

To participate, fill out the online form:

To learn more about BAW activities, please write to BAWvolunteers at gmail.comand we will answer you quickly.

Facebook: Brain Awareness

Twitter: @BAMontreal <https://twitter.com/BAMontreal>

  LinkedIn: BAM <http://www.linkedin.com/company/2441323?trk=tyah>

Questions? bawvolunteers at gmail.com
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