[BIC-announce] BIC website update

Sylvain Baillet, Dr sylvain.baillet at mcgill.ca
Wed Feb 8 17:41:45 EST 2012

Dear all:

Marta, Louis and I would like to suggest we revamp and update a bit the illustrations featured on the BIC's website.

If you think this is a good idea, we would therefore truly appreciate if you could please contribute your best shot(s) at images from your own work experience at the BIC: could be fancy, good-looking brain maps and images, pictures of instruments (MRI, PET, MEG, etc. scanners), people, field-trips and parties.

If you do so, please provide a short description with each of your pictures and contact information; maybe a Pubmed link to the featured publication, if relevant.

Deadline for contributions is Friday next week, February 17.

Cheers - Sylvain.

↪ Sylvain Baillet, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurology & Neurosurgery
Associate Member, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering
Director, MEG Research

      neuroSPEED lab<http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/ResearchLabsNeuroSPEED/> - MEG @ McGill<http://www.facebook.com/MEGatMcGill>  - Brainstorm project<http://neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm>

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
McGill University

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