[BIC-announce] <REMINDER> BIC Lecture Series: Winter-2012 Program (Mon-Apr-23, 1:00 pm, de Grandpré Communications Centre; Brain Function After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Insights from ERP and fMRI -- Dr. Alain Ptito)
Zografos 'Aki' CARAMANOS
caramanos at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 21:33:08 EDT 2012
*BIC Lecture Series: Winter-2012 Program*
Please join us for our ninth lecture of the season, which will be held at
1:00 pm on Monday, April the 23rd, at The Neuro's de Grandpré
Communications Centre<http://neuromedia.mcgill.ca/mnibooking/facdirections/dgccdir.htm>
University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A 2B4).
This lecture will be given by Dr. Alain
who will describe recent insights from ERP and fMRI into brain function
after mild traumatic brain injury.
The BIC Lecture
informal lectures on brain imaging presented at the McConnell
Brain Imaging Centre <http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/Main/HomePage> (*BIC*)
at The Neuro <http://www.mni.mcgill.ca/> by experts in the field. These
lectures are informative and open to all.
As you can see below, the Winter-2012 Program of the BIC Lecture Series
will feature twelve presentations examining the use of advanced brain
imaging techniques to better understand the structure and function of the
human brain. These will include data obtained using magnetic resonance
imaging (*MRI*), functional MRI (*fMRI*), recording of evoked-response
potentials (*ERP*), diffusion tensor imaging (*DTI*), positron emission
tomography (*PET*) and magnetoencephalography (*MEG*).
We hope to see there!
Zografos Caramanos, Petra Schweinhardt, Amir Shmuel, Sridar Narayanan, and
Jennifer Chew (Organizers)
*BIC Lecture Series: Winter-2012 Program*
*BIC Lectures are held on Mondays at 1:00 pm in the de Grandpré
Communications Centre, MNI.*
*For more information and links to the presentations as they become
available, please visit the BIC Lecture Series
01) Feb-27: CBRAIN: The Neuro’s Global Brain Imaging Research
Platform -- Marc-Étienne
Rousseau <http://cbrain.mcgill.ca/>
02) Mar-05: The Relationship Between Brain Structure, Motor Performance,
and Early Musical Training: Evidence from DTI -- Chris
03) Mar-12: Update on Recent MEG Brain Imaging Research: Connectivity,
Functional Mapping, and Therapy -- Dr. Sylvain
04) Mar-19: Investigating the Resting Brain with MEG -- Dr. Esther
05) Mar-26: A Brain-Imaging Perspective of Bilingualism, Brain
Organization, and Development -- Dr. Denise
06) Apr-02: Clinical Applications of MR Relaxometry -- Dr. Nikola
07) Thu-Apr-12: New Developments in Calibrated fMRI: Absolute
Quantification of Resting Oxidative Metabolism -- Dr. Rick
08) Apr-16: 7-T MRI of the In Vivo Cortex and Spinal Cord -- Dr. Julien
Cohen-Adad <https://sites.google.com/site/jcohenadad/Home>
*09) Apr-23: Brain Function After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Insights
from ERP and fMRI -- Dr. Alain
10) Apr-30: Does the D3 Receptor Play a Role in Addiction? -- Dr. Isabelle
Boileau <http://ca.linkedin.com/pub/isabelle-boileau/b/858/64b>
*---) May-07: No Lecture [ISMRM Conference]*
11) May-14: Relating Behaviour and Structural Connectivity in Alzheimer’s
Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment -- Dr. Andrew
*---) May-21: No Lecture [Victoria Day]*
12) May-28: Brain Imaging Research at the Douglas Institute -- Dr. Maria
Natasha Rajah<http://www.douglas.qc.ca/researcher/maria-natasha-rajah?locale=en>
Zografos Caramanos, M.A.
Research Assistant, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Unit
Ph.D. Student, Integrated Program in Neuroscience
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University
3801 University Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3A 2B4
(phone) 514-299-8160; (fax) 514-398-2975
(e-mail) zografos.caramanos at mcgill.ca
(website) www.zcaramanos.com
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