[BIC-announce] FW: Séminaire spécial de l'UNF / UNF Special Seminar - Applications of MVPA to the analysis of Resting State fMRI data: Disease State Prediction, Brain State Prediction and Real-Time fMRI

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Fri May 13 09:45:59 EDT 2011


Jennifer Chew

McConnell Brain Imaging Centre

MNI - WB317

3801 University Street

Montreal, Qc  H3A 2B4

Telephone:  514-398-8554

Fax:  514-398-2975




From: Francine Bélanger [mailto:francine.belanger at criugm.qc.ca] 
Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2011 3:12 PM
To: 'Van Der Knaap Maria'; 'Marc Filarétos '; Jennifer Chew, Ms.; christiane.laurier at umontreal.ca
Subject: Séminaire spécial de l'UNF / UNF Special Seminar

Titre/Title :    Applications of MVPA to the analysis of resting state fMRI data: disease state prediction, brain state prediction and real-time fMRI

Lecturer:       Richard Cameron Craddock, Ph.D.

                      Postdoctoral Fellow

                      Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute

Date:              Mardi le 17 mai 2011 / Tuesday, May 17th, 2011

Heure/Hour:   16h30 / 4:30 p.m.

Lieu / Venue: CRIUGM

                      4545, Queen-Mary, Montreal

                      M7813 (7e étage)



2011-05-17 Séminaire R Craddock.jpg



Francine Bélanger

Coordonnatrice administrative UNF / RNQ / RBIQ-QBIN

Centre de recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal

4565, chemin Queen-Mary, Montréal (Québec) H3W 1W5

Tél.:      (514) 340-3540 # 4785

Téléc.:  (514) 340-3530

Courriel: francine.belanger at criugm.qc.ca

Web UNF:  www.unf-montreal.ca

Web RBIQ: www.rbiq-qbin.qc.ca


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