[BIC-announce] FW: Invited Speaker: Audrey Duarte, Dec 8, 12pm, Bowerman Room, Douglas

Jennifer Chew, Ms. jennifer.chew at mcgill.ca
Wed Dec 1 14:03:30 EST 2010


McGill Centre for Studies in Aging & Douglas Mental Health University Institute Aging & Alzheimer's Axis present:
Speaker - Audrey Duarte, PhD
School of Psychology
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A
Title:  Aging and the neural systems supporting associative memory
Date:  Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Place:   Bowerman Room, Dobell Pavilion, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Time:  12:00 - 1:30 pm
Dr. Audrey Duarte, PhD
School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A
Title of talk: " Aging and the neural systems supporting associative memory "
It is generally believed that healthy older adults exhibit impairments in recollection of details associated with previously encountered events with relative sparing of familiarity for the event itself. It is not entirely clear whether these memory impairments are ubiquitous in aging or whether there are conditions under which memory for some types of associations may be spared if not enhanced by the aging process. For example, some behavioral evidence suggests that, compared to the young, older adults may recollect personally-relevant associations to a greater extent than other conceptual or perceptual details about previously episodes. We are only beginning to understand the neural underpinnings of these age-related differences in associative memory performance and the ways in which we might capitalize on the neural processes and brain regions relatively spared by the aging process in order to alleviate older adults' memory deficits. I will discuss findings from behavioral, ERP and fMRI studies conducted in my lab in which we examined the extent to which aging affects the neural systems supporting recollection for different types of associations and related memory performance.

M. Natasha Rajah, PHD
Head of Research & Training, SToP-AD Centre, DMHUI
Associate Prof, Dept.Psychiatry, McGill University
Researcher,Geronto-Psychiatry Division, DMHUI
CIHR New Investigator, Inst. of Aging

PHONE: 514-761-6131 x2836
EMAIL: maria.rajah at mcgill.ca<mailto:maria.rajah at mcgill.ca>
FAX: 514-762-3028

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