[BIC-announce] Fwd: I: cardiovascular medical image computing: postdoc and phd studentships in Barcelona

Kaleem Siddiqi siddiqi at cim.mcgill.ca
Tue Aug 24 10:51:45 EDT 2010



Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Alejandro Frangi" <alejandro.frangi at upf.edu>
> Date: August 22, 2010 8:31:00 AM EDT
> To: <siddiqi at cim.mcgill.ca>
> Subject: I: cardiovascular medical image computing: postdoc and phd studentships in Barcelona
> Dear colleague
> We are currently looking for PhD students and postdoctoral candidates for
> various projects and, in particular, we are interested in people with
> motivation or background to work in the areas of computational medical image
> analysis and image-based computational cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac
> electro mechanics and vascular hemodynamics modeling. 
> You will find the various announcements below
>> PhD studentships
> http://www.tecn.upf.es/~afrangi/opencalls_phdstudents.htm
>> Post-doctoral fellowships
> http://www.tecn.upf.es/~afrangi/opencalls_researchers.htm 
> I would appreciate if you could circulate this add among your colleagues and
> potential excellent candidates to these posts.
> Best
> Alex
> _________________________________________________________________________
>  Dr. Alejandro Frangi
>  Center for Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine
>  Information & Communication Technologies Department
>  Universitat Pompeu Fabra - UPF - www.upf.edu 
>  Networking Center on Biomedical Research - CIBER-BBN - www.ciber-bbn.org 
>  Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats - ICREA - www.icrea.cat
>  Visiting address: c/ Tànger 122-140 - E08018 Barcelona - Spain
>  Postal address:   c/Roc Boronat 138 - E08018 Barcelona - Spain
>  Sec: +34 93-542-1347 - Fax: +34 93-542-1451
>  Please use coding in the subject of your mail, viz.
>  Q=Question   I=Information   U=Urgent   A=Action

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